A new week and moving forward after the last disaster of a week - anyone join me?

shockingly I only put on 1/2lb tonight!! very pleased, but aiming for 4lb loss this week as want to lose 4lb to get my 3stone award :)
Weigh in today and I have no idea what it is going to be. I have had nearly 3 weeks of snacks and wine :( fingers crossed.
Well, managed my first day back on plan yesterday. Feel sooo much better for it already, and looking forward to another great day today.

Come on everyone, we can do it!! :)
Paul is it too late for me to join this? I've just had the most disastrous week! WI is this morning so I'll get to see what sort of damage I've done to myself.. but going forward from here on in. I want to see how good I really can be, and have a spectacular loss next week!
struggled yesterday but planned constantly which helps me focus - so glad I did as I really did feel like just eating a load of crap and self-sabbataging. My period is coming probably full on tomorrow so must stay strong. Going for a walk soon and got some ryvitias and tangerines for snacks plus a hot choccy planned for in the evening to help steer away the munchie monsters!!!!
No hon of course its not too late its just a support thread for those who have had a bad week / weeks and want to put it right.

I for one have been super good all week and after a sneaky check of the scales this morning it looks like my 3lb gain from last week is gone and so hopefully by saturday morning i will have an extra lb or 2 to add to it :)

Good work girls for getting back to group and facing the music btw, thats the hard bit out of the way :)

Paul is it too late for me to join this? I've just had the most disastrous week! WI is this morning so I'll get to see what sort of damage I've done to myself.. but going forward from here on in. I want to see how good I really can be, and have a spectacular loss next week!
Put on 1lb I am actually quite pleased with that and it has given me the incentive to have a good week.
Well I have been virtuous today, only had 5 syns, had loads of lemon water and plenty of super free. Also upped my exercise this week.... and so far I have gained! Hopefully its just a mid week fluctuation...eek
Quick update, i managed to lose 4lb last week so my gain plus and additional 1 lb loss which was good although feeling very down at the moment as just found out i am likely to be made redundant in the next few weeks :(
Im sorry to hear that Paul. However, look at how motivated you are with your weight loss! Expand that motivation and start looking for work now - You have a few weeks head start to get yourself out there and find something before your current job ends - think of it not as an ending but an opportunity for a fresh start. I know times are tough in the job market, but you're clearly enthusiastic and prepared to work hard - so use those qualities to strike while the iron is hot!
Quick update, i managed to lose 4lb last week so my gain plus and additional 1 lb loss which was good although feeling very down at the moment as just found out i am likely to be made redundant in the next few weeks :(

Oh no sorry to hear that :(

But like the poster above said, see it as an opportunity. Your a very motivated and positive guy from what I've seen on here, hopefully you shouldn't find it too hard to find another job! Or even better then that, hopefully it won't happen.
Sorry to hear about your redundancy Paul, hope you find something else soon. Well done on your weight loss.
Thanks everyone, so hows it going for everyone this week? i tbh am struggling to stay on track this week with everything thats going on but so far have only reached for some hot and spicy pork ribs from morrisons so hopefully they shouldnt do too much damage lol
I lost 2 lbs this week after my 1lb gain last week. I am very happy. I've had a very stressful couple of months, but am feeling more positive now! I just wish the nice weather could last for more than a couple of days at a time.... Boo!
Well im really hoping for a 3lb loss this week to give me my 4 stone award which would be great

Fingers crossed!

Well done on your 2lb loss Mrs T