A question and also a bit of positivity at last!!!

I'm scared of exercising in case my calves/thighs bulk up again. Would Pilates help in toning rather than bulking?
Hi there,
That was one of my big questions too, I was desperate for some knee lengthers.

I started off as 17.5 inches and pretty much stayed ther until about 3 weeks ago and the last 9 to 11 lbs when I have dropped to 14.5, just like that. I didn't think it was going to happen.

It is definitely the last place it comes off. I don't think it is just the calves though, it seems to be the bit of whatever it is between the calves and the ankles, cos I still have problems with that bit.

Hi Just Do It - I wasn't intending to get down to a BMI of below 24, but now I'm thinking that if the only way to shift my calves is to get to a BMI of 22 then maybe I'll have to do that. :sigh: Oh dear - just when I was thinking I only have just over 1 stone to go. Ho hum.