Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

It must feel really strange. Keep us posted. I really think coming on here, more than ever before, will help keep you focused.
Good luck.
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well i have to agree frances. i also think it will be a really good experiment in how to go back to eating and maintaining post-cd. as none of us really know how it will affect us until we do it. and i'm getting to give it a shot a little earlier than expected. so i'm hoping to get it right. if i weight the same after christmas as i did when i started eating then i'll be happy. if i lose a couple of lbs pre-crimbo and then gain them again, that's ok, as after christmas i should be able to get back into cd again, although it may be on a higher plan than ss.

so i apologise for posting about food a lot, but i think that going back to food and still losing or maintaining is one of the most important parts of cambridge. after all, once we've lost it, we have to keep it off don't we?

abz xx
sounds like your doing really well, keep it up.
i know what you mean about skinting your cdc.
i`m not doing cd for a week or so over xmas, but will be buying the packs as i think she`s having alot of people cancel etc last minute.
i dont mind too much, although expensive, i just thought i can get my money back by selling them on when i become cdc. sorta like getting my stock in early......lol

glad it doesn`t affect you becoming cdc x
careful with the sell by dates on them honey :) you don't want to end up with loads of stuff you can't use. and if you aren't using them you shouldn't have to buy them. i've decided to have one every day for breakfast. that's about £10 a week, bit more perhaps, but i can cope with that. it keeps my foot in the door with cd and it also means that i actually eat breakfast. it's more than i'd like to spend but i don't want to give it up entirely.

plus, i like the products :) well, the ones i still get, ha.

abz xx
wow. i've been trying to follow the principles in the paul mckenna book now that i've started eating. trying to recognise when i'm truly hungry, eating when i feel hungry, making sure i stop when i'm full, eating slowly etc. have just realised that it has taken me 20 minutes to eat a small 300 cal meal and i'm stuffed!! pre-cd i would have inhaled that, probably had a second helping and then dessert!! so yay.

i do have a bit of tummy ache though, but i think that's from my body trying to cope with solid food again. so that should get better with time. i'm still managing to drink water too. am on just over a litre. now that i'm eating i don't want to drink more than 3 litres a day so i'm on track for that too :)

abz xx
i had stomach ache when i started with carbs, be careful if you eat too many carbs it can feel like your stomachs gonna explode.
i`m hoping to be a cdc by mid jan, so my packs should be ok.
just felt so bad as she`s having money troubles & christmas etc..........
although i`m still concidering doing cd over christmas...........3 packs & a main meal type thing
as long as you watch the cals it should be ok. i count the cals in my brekkie pack as part of my daily cals. i'm only on day two but it seems to be working so far, ha. hopefully the scales will keep on moving downwards.

i have four friends coming to visit tonight that i haven't seen since my best friend's wedding (see pics in my profile albums. i'm the big red blob in 'that' dress) so i think they are going to get one hell of a shock :D :D can't wait, hee.

although i have a feeling that quite a bit of alcyfrol could be consumed tonight. but i can't drink much. i haven't drank for so long i'll fall over if i try, so i should be ok on that front. just a glass or two of red wine. and a lot of natter. thank god i don't have to work until 5pm tomorrow!!

also, my best mate is going to be there and she is preggers so not drinking so that should help keep the rest of us in check :D

i'm getting really excited. i haven't seen them in so long :D :D

abz xx
Bet you can't wait until they see you. It's great when you see people you haven't see for a while as you can really WOW them!! Have a great night.
thanks hon :)

three of them are friends of mine of 14 years :D the other is the new OH of one of them, the other two are going out. so it should make for an interesting evening :)

i am also looking forward to the christmas party of my old work as they haven't seen me for a long time either.. and the photos of me from last year's christmas party are horrendous. i'll have to see if i can get my hands on some of them to do a comparison!!

abz xx
Paul McKenna is pretty good....I must dig my cd's out again!!
yeah paul mckenna is bloomin fantastic. when you eat slower (cos i used to be an incredibly fast eater) you are still eating while other people are finishing up as well, which definitely helps you resist putting seconds! In fact abz, i think i may start up the puttin knife and fork down thing again over christmas, as it really helps. I used to inhale food but now im much slower than i was. plus i talk heaps (as you know) so when im out with friends i never finish my food - which is a plus! x
i am trying to give everyone rep for being so supportive but elle and janey i need to spread it around more apparently. so you have it in spirit :)
yeah them bloomin reps again. tis ok, i feel the good vibes. send me some wake up vibes, that would really help lol. x
Well done abz keep up the good work.xx
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Thanks guys. i'm trying. i'm still stuffed from that tiny meal. i can't get over it. long may it continue. i have one more cardboardy biscuit (think they are trying to be like squashed fly biscuits but failing) and another satsuma to go before the end of work. am just trying to find out now whether my mates are going out to eat before they turn up. kind of hoping that they are so that i have chance to tidy up a bit. totally forgot last night that it was monday today. damn shifts, so house is a bit messy. not bad by any means. but more messy than i would like!!

abz xx
i have one more cardboardy biscuit (think they are trying to be like squashed fly biscuits but failing)

What exactly is a "carboardy failed squashed fly biscuit"? .....from the description they sound scrumptious and I wonder why I do not have them in my life???? :8855:
i had a tesco ready meal. I wouldn't usually have a microwave meal but i haven't got around to making my veg soup yet. so it had 297 calories and it was low fat and low sugar. it was chicken in a kind of salsa sauce with a couple of potatoes on the side. it just about filled a small plate and it stuffed me!! i guess cd really does shrink your stomach to a teensy weensy size!!
hee. i can't remember what the make is and it doesn't say it on the mini packet, only on the box. i'll let you know. although they are growing on me.

you must know what squashed fly biscuits are!! hee. you know. those flat round shortbready things with squashed raisins in them. they are really thin. and yummy. and totally not coming anywhere near my house!! :D