About the nutrients in eggs


Full Member
An egg is really three separate foods, the whole egg, the white, and the yolk, each with its own distinct nutritional profile.

A whole egg is a high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-quality protein food packaged in a high-calcium shell that can be grounded and added to any recipe. The proteins in eggs, with sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids, are 99 percent digestible, the standard by which all other proteins are judged.

The egg white is a high-protein, low-fat food with virtually no cholesterol. Its only important vitamin is riboflavin (vitamin B2), a visible vitamin that gives egg white a slightly greenish cast. Raw egg whites contain avidin, an antinutrient that binds biotin a B complex vitamin formerly known as vitamin H, into an insoluble compound. Cooking the egg inactivates avidin.

An egg yolk is a high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-protein food, a good source of vitamin A derived from carotenes eaten by the laying hen, plus vitamin D, B vitamins, and heme iron, the form of iron most easily absorbed by your body.

One large egg has 5 g Fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 212 mg cholesterol, 6 g protein, 950 IU vitamin A (19 percent of the RDA for a man, 23.7 percent of the RDA for a woman), and 0.72 mg iron (4.8 percent of the RDA for a woman of childbearing age).

One large egg white has 4 g protein, but no
fat or cholesterol. One large egg yolk has 6 g fat (1.7 g saturated fat), 272 mg cholesterol, 3 g protein, and 970 IU vitamin A (19.4 percent of the RDA for a man, 24 percent of the RDA for a woman).

The most nutritious way to server egg is with extra whites and fewer yolks to lower the fat and cholesterol per serving. Those on controlled-fat, low-cholesterol diet or low-protein diet should exclude this food.
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Thats not what Mr Atkins says though is it?
I just cut copied and pasted it as it sounded interesting, they sound like a super food to me.
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That's interesting OTL, thanks
Thanks for the info!

When i first started Atkins I ate lots of eggs. Before too long I started to feel sick at the very thought of an egg. Overkill.

So now I eat them maybe once or twice each week. Eggs are a staple food and, for lacto-vegetarians like me, a Godsend when trying to lose weight or maintain.

I only buy free range now - supermarket ones and the best value I can find - not only are they better ethically but they really do taste nicer.

Atkins is not the cheapest way to lose weight. My food bills have soared since I started! Money is tight for most of us now but this extra expenditure is an investment in ourselves and in our future health.