Addicted to chocolate!!!


Hello everyone,

Only a few days in to trying to lose weight through counting calories and exercise. I just wondered if anyone has any tips on avoiding chocolate/sweet things?
I think I must be addicted to sugar or something cos I feel really low if I don't eat it and then I feel good as soon as I do. I literally cannot go a day without having some form of biscuit/chocolate/cake. I'm managing to keep it within my allowed calories but I really wish it didn't have this hold over me.
Anyone else have the same problem?

Wow, just reading blog and I would love to have the success you have! I'm going to look into it as it has clearly worked for you. I know I don't have the willpower to not eat chocolate at the moment so a change in my relationship with food is definitely what I need.
Thank you!
Wow, just reading blog and I would love to have the success you have! I'm going to look into it as it has clearly worked for you. I know I don't have the willpower to not eat chocolate at the moment so a change in my relationship with food is definitely what I need.
Thank you!
If you are an emotional eater like me, they are not a quick fix, but if you stick through with them, they are a long term one :) If you go that route, give them 6 months to prove themselves :) There will be blips along the way where you may feel you chose the wrong foods or overeat but remember they are not a diet, they are changing habits of a lifetime :) if you look at it that way you won't feel 'they are not working' all the time, when they clearly are :) They are very clever, and I've tried most diets, and hypno in the past and none worked yet these do, but I had to have the faith that they would and commit to it for a fair length of time but 6 months in you've seen the difference if you've read the blog :D x
I am a sugar/carb addict. My solution is to avoid it - then i dont get the cravings:). Actually not quite true - now i'm in maintenance i do have an occassional 2 squares of very dark chocolate but find most other desserts and things too sweet!
I was convinced I was a chocoholic, and had always allowed for some chocolate in any previous weight loss attempt. This time round I've cut it out completely (at least in its "pure" form, still eat things like cereal bars with a drizzle of choc on them), and I've been pleasantly surprised by how little I've missed it. Try buying a load of sachet of Options hot chocolate, in different flavours - I love the coconut, orange and hazelnut ones. At 40 calories, they're a nice sweet treat. And as I said, cereal bars with a tiny bit of choc on, like the Special K bars. Also Muller Light yogurts - the coconut with a sprinkling of dark chocolate us delicious!

However, if you don't want to amongst the 95%+ of people who lose weight only to put it all back on and more (which I've done for the last 30 years), you need to address your addictive eating, and I'm trying to do that this time. I'm reading what seems to be a very good book on that subject at the moment, which I know other people on here have also read. I'll post a link to it if I can. xx
Like Tracy, I've found that the longer I go without sweet things, the less I crave them, and this is coming from the grandma who bought her three grandchildren Easter Eggs, and ate them all, twice! I find chocolate like a drug, if I have a little then I want more. I can honestly say that for the first few days I avoided going to the shops because I knew I would buy chocolate. At the moment I can walk down the sweetie aisle and not even be bothered.
Bensnan said:
Like Tracy, I've found that the longer I go without sweet things, the less I crave them, and this is coming from the grandma who bought her three grandchildren Easter Eggs, and ate them all, twice! I find chocolate like a drug, if I have a little then I want more. I can honestly say that for the first few days I avoided going to the shops because I knew I would buy chocolate. At the moment I can walk down the sweetie aisle and not even be bothered.

Lol, I treated myself to an Easter egg on Good Friday, and I felt so sick afterwards it was like aversion therapy! I really am surprised that I have been able to cut it out, as it was a big part of my bad eating habits, but 5 stone down, something seems to be working, so I would recommend it as an approach. Don't think in terms of never having chocolate again, or you'll only want it more; just tell yourself you can have some occasionally as a treat, and maybe like with me, it'll not live up to your expectations when you have it! xx
I gave up chocolate for a month in January and found it surprisingly easy. Mind you I knew that I would be able to have some again. I did think about two chocolate days a week but that hasn't happened. Currently on slimming world and usually having one penguin or two finger kit kat a day plus the chocolate sprinkled through muller light.

I know chocolate gives me headaches and spots if I have much more than this but usually do find it hard to resist.

I think an occasional small amount is the way to go - easier to say than do though
Maybe still have some chocolate every day but get really nice quality chocolate and have a few squares. It's more worthwhile than scoffing a few freddos (as I've been known to do!)
Thank's everyone for the advice!
At the moment I'm not sure I could quit. I'm about to have my final exams for university and I really think I will need the pick me up. I am going to cut down though. I do my shopping online and I'm planning on getting less than 100 calorie sorbet for something sweet, I'm definitely going to try some of those options drinks and cereal bars thanks Tracy!
I think to quit all together probably would be good as shown by you Netee and Kat1e, but right now I don't think I could do it! Maybe I'll try it for a few days.
Also thanks for the link Tracy I'm going to get it on kindle so I can read it whilst about. And Jess I'll look into the Jason Vale book.
Jackie do you think I should get a more general slim pod or the chocolate one? I'm looking to loose weight not just reduce chocolate urges.
Really thanks for all the advice everyone! I now think there will be a way to handle this. Hopefully when I notice a difference in my size I'll realise cutting back the chocolate is worth it.
I've just finished my last teaching practice placement and I don't think I could have given up chocolate before/during that either, so maybe you should wait til you're done. My friends who were addicted to smoking were the same! During that time I was eating chocolate several times a day, then I stopped eating it completely and after a week or two the cravings went away, I had to cut out bread too and that was actually worse. You can definitely do it if you try, I promise you as a fellow chocolate monster! :)
chocolate is my downfall and working in a shop doesnt help. I have decided to save a choccie treat for a saturday and resist the urge during the week. Had a bag of maltesers today for my treat and enjoyed it. Also found some cereal bars that were not too bad on points on ww and they have a few chocolate bits on top. Good luck all x
Me too..

But currently on Slim & Save VLCD - have found I can make a very chocolatey souffle/brownie type thing with one of the packs that satisfies my cravings - but trying to restrict myself as it just tastes too good. :D
Chocolate Busters: The Easy Way to Kick Your Addiction: Jason Vale: Books

You're not exactly addicted to chocolate as you are to sugar... chocolate is very bitter and its what the companies do to it that makes it appealing to us however if you knew what they did to A) make milk chocolate and B) How they get us "addicted" you will have a greater understanding. This book is a must read for anyone who feels like this.

I did one day of Jason Vale's Detox to get off chocolate altogether, I'm fighting the sugar cravings more so but at the end of the day the cravings are an addiction and its in the head not the stomach...

So I'm gradually decreasing the amount of chocolate I eat! I'm not having huge cravings but my stress has gone down a little. I've cut out cake completely and don't miss it which is a relief!
My boyfriend recently bought me a huge bar of chocolate as a treat throughout my exams, ahh! I've hidden it away so I don't get tempted. I'm hoping once my exams are done I'll try have some sweet free days but for now I'm pleased to have cut it down.