Advice Needed: Can I do Management???

Hello Everyone,

Just came over from the other side (DH) as I really need some advice from some more experienced LL'ers (not that I'm rubbishing any newbies advice - all will be very much appreciated).

Anyway my predicament is this: Been doing LL for almost 16 weeks and have lost 55lbs in that time. I still would like to lose a stone to get to my goal weight but I feel wonderful and so much better within myself, even with a stone to go.

My weight loss these past 3 weeks seem to have slowed down to 2lb average so potentially will need to be on developers for 7 weeks to lose the stone! Don't know what has happened to slow down as I rollerskate and walk loads and have not cheated but my body just seems to be evening out.

My husband comes to end of job contract at end of month and we have decided that it is not feasible to pay £66 x 7 weeks. What I want to know is can I go into LL management when I still have a stone to lose??? or do you have to have a BMI of 24 before you are allowed in? :confused: I really don't want to leave LL without doing the management as I have made a personal commitment to myself to do this but don't think I can hang on for the right weight and still be able to afford to see management through.

Also do you think I am setting myself up for a fall by starting it too soon, assuming I am allowed to anyway? I would hope that by eating sensible potions and keeping up my new excercise regime I would still be able to lose a pound or 2 a week or do I sound like a fantasist? You're advice is really appreciated as my next meeting is not until Thursday and can't wait for the answers until then. Also we have a locum at the moment and as lovely as she is she doesn't seem to know a great deal.

Thanks for listening x:)
congratulations on your loss so far - fantastic :D

How about if you stay on the packs till the end of the Month and go onto Management then - even if you loose 2lb a week till that time, you'll only have 7lbs to go? Some people do loose on Management, aprox half a stone - so that would get you to where you want to be :D

You are the one who decides when you want to start management, so yes technically you could start now, but I would suggest getting to your target first....(or at least that 7lb away)

Hope that helps
Ooops forgot to say, that as you go through the weeks of Managemnt the cost goes down.. so the first week you'd be on 3 packs and that would be aprox £45... until after week 12 when You'd be of the packs altogether.. although some peeps still like to have one a day??
Thanks so much I'll Do It:). Thanks for the advice Geri:) . As my LLC is off on holidays we had to pay upfront so that the locum didn't have to handle it so have already paid for the next 2 weeks of developers and then will see if I can scrap together the rest to take me to end of Oct. x
Your welcome...

Seeing as you have already paid for the next 2 weeks then... reassess it after that. You never know you might loose the 7lb by then... Up your water intake, that might speed things up a bit :)
Hi ladyBird
Geris right
I wish you loads of success'' on your management phase and look forward to hearing from you lots
Hi Ladybird 93

Your dilema must be really freaking you out at the moment. If this helps a couple out of our Group also have a further stone to lose and they have moved into Management after alot of diliberation. They are losing approx 2-3lbs per week so they would expect to lose their extra stone in about 4/5 weeks in which time they would be half way through Management. Its only slightly cheaper in the first couple of weeks because your still having to have 3 packs but then obviously when you get down to 2 and then 1 pack it will become cheaper.

My LLC said to us that you should be near as possible to your target weight before you go into Management as your not expected to lose a lot of weight in that class but that's what alot of people do when they're so near to target. I know I'll be facing this problem in the next couple of months.
Hi Carolynne,

Thanks for your insight into this. This has indeed been totally freaking me out and as an innate worrier I've been fretting over this in a big way. I've tried to snap out of worry mode by going into adult mode and by making a well thought out decision. With the support of people on here and my good friends over at DH&H I feel like I am doing the best for me and our family's situation.

I have a meeting tonight and have decided that I will tell my LLC that I will go into management. I intend to ask her if I can stick to the 1st stage (small chicken/fish portion + greens) for longer than a week (ground hog day for me). I know the weekly cost is still £49 but over a month that is a saving of £68 per month, and still allows me to continue with the programme. Its very inspiring to hear that some can still lose 2-3lbs a week and hopefully if I can be one of those I will be very very happy.

By the way, well done on your 100 days, you look totally fab! x
Sorry gang, I'm going to completely throw a spanner in the works :(

I have been doing management for nearly 2 weeks and have maintained my weight over that time.

Please don't go into management expecting or hoping to lose more weight. The reason I say this is because you will be mixing your messages.

Management is there to learn to maintain and control your weight and work out how new foods make you feel, if you are trying to lose weight at this stage then how are you concentrating on actually learning to maintain?

My LLC actually went under her target weight by 7lbs when she did the programme 4 years ago and put weight on in the trigger weeks to leave her at her goal weight where she has remained within 3 lbs ever since.

You might find that you are losing weight to start with but it is all to easy for those lbs to creep back on in the latter more challenging weeks.

If you have to go into management then obviously do so but concentrate on the objectives of the course rather than setting your own agenda which will at best dilute the messages you should be getting from this the most crucial of stages.

You can lose the weight after you have learnt the lessons of the 12 week route to management stage.
Wow...the chicken does it again!

I'm sure what you said will give Ladybird some food for thought.

I've spoken to Ladybird about this on DH and have just mentioned to her the posibility of becoming a holder (where someone has to come off abstinance for a valid reason for a period of time during which they will attend weekly WI's with the LLC) This might give her some breathing space until her situation is resolved at which point she could continue with abstinance and then management.

It would be good to hear your views on this one too chicken.
Hi Chicken and Shadow,

Chicken, sorry I didn't respond sooner to your post. I've not been logged on for a bit. Thanks for the advice. I know you have been incredibly successful with this losing weight malarky and if you say management is tricky and that its not easy to be losing weight on it then I'm very inclined to believe it. It also makes total sense that I should get out of management what I am supposed to and that is a goal of managing my weight rather that earnestly trying to restrict myself to lose more weight.

Shadow you are a complete gem as always. It has given me alot to think about and I have also posted a reply to you on our Zemmie and Friends thread on DH.

So here's what I will do: stick to developers until my husband is out of a job. Do holders if my LLC agrees and supports this. Hopefully when hubby gets new contract go to either deveopers or management. Will find out more when I see my LLC on Thursday as last week I still had the locum and didn't see the point into getting in too much with her about her situation.

Thanks alot girls x
I'm glad you found all the responses useful. :)

Please do keep us updated with your progress wont you because I like to take an interest in my fellow LLer's :D
Question for anyone who is doing LL management

I am in a dilema. :(

I still have a couple of stone to go but am going away for 5 days on the 6/11/06. I dont fancy going away and not be able to go out for at least 2-3 meals. My LLC has suggested that I come off development(1st week today) and be on at least week 3 of management before I go away. She has said to carry on with that for 12 weeks and then lose what weight I want to lose on planned staones afterwards :eek:

I know that food is staggered over the weeks but can anyone tell me the foods that you introduce over the 1st 3 weeks. I dont know if she thinks that I want a full monty meal. I only intend something like a chicken salad on a couple of the nights and do at least 2 packs during the day. What so special about the food that you can have weeks 3???

Hope someone can help me because I feel cheated at the moment that my journey is being cut short when I have not reached the end!! I know that this has been one of my pitfalls in the past