Advice needed on taking a break from lipotrim


Hi all,

This is my first post on minimins, although I have read many others. I started LT last Monday and lost 13lbs in my first week, I got weighed today as want my official weigh day to now be a Friday and had lost another 4lbs! I love how quickly this diet works. I am not totally new to this as I have done it before but was silly to think that I could go back to 'normal' eating habits and not pile on the weight. I am now in this for the long haul, give or take a few breaks, which is what I wanted to ask about. I have a lot to lose so anticipate being on this for a while!
What I want to know is has anyone taken a break from lipotrim and maintained or continued to lose weight. I am planning to have a break throughout December and want to know the best way to go about this. I have a few special occasions and it seems I'll be out every weekend in December. I know most of you will tell me to try and stay on the program but in the past I've tried this and ended up 'cheating' which I don't want to do as this makes me feel like I've failed and then end up stuffing my face! Lol.
I have thought of two ways to go about this break and would like some opinions;
1 option is to refeed (2 packs and a small evening meal) throughout the month but just have a few drinks at the weekend (1day)
or to refeed 1st week then follow weight watchers for the rest of the month.
Has anyone done this?
Id be really grateful for any replies x
Hi Ri, looks a bit quiet on here tonight and am not sure how helpful my reply will be ha! Anyway, I would read around the recent threads in this LT forum, I've seen quite a few posts on refeeds etc. in the last 2 weeks. I don't know as am still 100% and not taking a break as not more than a couple of weeks to go
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Maybe do a combi where the days you aren't going out you have your normal 3 shakes and the days you do go out have 1 maybe 2 shakes during the day and pick a healthier option for your evening meal. That way you aren't cheating, and you should hopefully stay somewhere in ketosis even if it's only borderline and if you eat the right foods hopefully won't put any extra weight on. If you plan it right then there's no reason why you can't do it and stay on target. Oh, and remember if you cheat you can still stop after your first one rather than saying "oh well I've done it now I may as well carry on." I never get that. It's like saying "oh I scratched the car, I may as well drive it into a wall and write it off".
Thanks for your replies,your both doing really well! to be honest it's more the booze that will be the issue, I've read that it's bad to drink whilst in ketosis so think its best to refeed feather than just have a night off here and there. I just wondered which would be the best option for keeping the weight from piling on. I think that if I do the LT refeed then I'd be more in control and probably find it easier to get back on TFR, on the other hand if I go on weight watchers then I know in the first week I'd probably put a bit on but then I'd have more freedom when I eat/drink. It's very confusing lol
Hiya I am refeeding at the mo because I have a long awaited break away next weekend with the girls. So far I have still managed to lose weight on refeed, and am planning on going back on tfr when I get back next week. My thoughts are I would rather refeed and lose a week of tfr than pile on loads by suddenly coming out of ketosis. I am sticking to black teas/coffees and not having fizzy drinks as I feel it will be easier to make the transition back again when I go on tfr. Will let you know progress when I get back from girls weekend!! Interestingly, I am not tempted by bad foods nor am I hungry on refeed which I was worried about. Good luck!!!
Thanks wheroclaire, will you be drinking alcohol? I think I have made my mind up to stick with the refeed and just let my hair down a little on the nights out. That way I'll still be disciplined and it should be easier to get back on in January. Is it okay to refeed for a few weeks?
Yes I will be drinking :) have looked into it- vodka seems the best, with a diet mix. It says on the refeed info that you can stick to days 4-7 menu for weeks if you need to.
Very helpful, im thinking of 1 meal a day over Christmas week !! Long as I don't go silly maybe I will still lose then ?? fingers crossed !!
Ririlulu - I'm in the same boat! This is day 8 of lipotrim but I'm planning on refeeding from 5th December in time for my works do. I intend on using the maintenance programme over December and starting again in January. I think it only works out two weeks anyway! :)
I'm planning on doing a week's refeed before xmas, breaking (kinda) for xmas period (only a few days, mind) and going back on Lipotrim TFR afterwards.
I suggest that you do a complete refeed week and for the rest of the month just eat healthily and responsibly, with a few unhealthy meals and some drinks at social events.