after it all...i got called fat last nite!

From what I can see you are not in the slightest bit fat in fact you look very nice i'll actually re word thats as your fit :D. Some blokes are just idiots + why would he call you fat when your not?, were not all like that though.
My sister had a similar thing said to her which really hurt her feelings, she lost 4stone and is now the 1 laughing.
Just ignore it, people judging on appearance show a distinct lake of brain power in my eyes.
hun his mate was probs just jelous cos he wasnt getting any :) your gorge and dont let any guy tell you otherwise xxxx
How anyone could look at you and see you as fat is beyond me?? You look fab, I only hope I can look anything like that one day.

They are obviously not worthy of you x
OMG - you are stunning - sorry to sound crude (and guilty of sweeping statements) but it sounds as if this bloke is suffering from small kn*b syndrome - they tend to be the ones who project their insecurities onto others (from my past experience)!! He's the one with the problem , not you!!!

Oh my good god! I cannot believe what idiots some men can be - You most definitely are not fat. I think it must be harder for you knowing that actually, once you were 5 stone bigger, but you lost that and are now not fat... so for someone to call you it, is horrible.


I hope all of these posts make you realise that you are lovely and slim and most certainly not fat and the bloke who called you it just needs to get himself to specsavers!!!! x
Sometimes people like to act complete morons and know just the things to say to us or about us that they believe will play on our mind and make us feel self conscious, they will say it even when not true just to be annoying and think they are funny .... which they arent as we all know and they just make themselves look like prize turds!

You look fab honey and definitely an inspiration x
What an absolute idiot that little 'boy' was but then again you should pity the little fella and see him for the 'wazzack' he was! I think maybe he was just worried that his mate might get lucky with such a pretty girl like you and deep down he probably was really jealous and perhaps hoped his insult would coax his mate away! You know what silly little 'boys' are like they have to impress their little mates, which is just the kind of playground mentality you would expect from such an idiot!

Take no notice cos when I looked at your photographs I thought you looked like a model and I bet there are many lovely young men out there who would be proud to call someone as attractive and pretty as you their girfriend; my handsome son being one of them! Ha ha! Seriously though he has a lovely girflfriend but when I showed him your photograph he said "SHE'S WELL FIT!" :)

fat? :eek: from where? You look stunning I guess he was just jealous that it was his mate trying to chat you up and not him :D men like that should be reminded that you are too much of a woman for them to begin with..hahaha
awwwwwwwww u guys!!!!!!!uz r so nice thanks so much for your comments!!!!1i do feel loads betta. i think 7 stone is alot and i surely cant be fat, although i have decided to go back on ss on thurs. just to make my self feel better!!!

thanks all xx

Are you going back on SS cos of the comments or cos you was planning to anyway? have you regained some weight or have you moved the goal posts? x
moved my posts!!!!!im goin on hol in sept and wanna get down to 10 ish stone! will be the first time ive eva got in a swimming pool afta the age of 12!!

:) I'm sure you'll do really well, you've doen so fab up till now! how much do you need to lose?
welll you look great in the pic.... Good luck and what an incentive.... a bikini holiday!!!

Nas x
What a tosser
Ignore him
socially inept tw@ts like that deserve to be put down

You look gorgeous!