Ahhh help!

Caz can do it

Full Member
I've just been to a gathering at a friend. Arrived to realise it was a dinner party. Sit down meal and everything! I had no idea! Scared of being rude.

Started off with a starter. A sort of buffet. So I had a couple of olives.
The dinner was a lasagne. Luckily I'm veggie. Which the host then realised. I said I would eat when I got home. Offered me a quiche. I thought I can't possibly eat that! Eventually I relented to a plain salad. As I could tell she felt bad. Had some summer fruits for pudding. There was lots of bread in the table etc but kept well away from it!

Do you think I will be okay? I do not want to cheat on this diet as have done so well but didnt want to tell everyone that I don't eat in front of some ppl I didn't know and also did not want to be rude. She had put so much effort in to the whole thing!

week one- 17 1/2 pounds week two- 4 1/2 lbs week three- no weigh in week four- 11 lbs week 5- 5 1/2 lbs week 6- 4 lbs
Honestly I think you will be fine. Nothing there suggests to me that you will be kicked out of ketosis and if you are only for a day or so.
I've told close friends I am incognito for the summer lol
You will be fine! Just get right back on the diet and don't look back ;)
P.S. if you have ketone sticks, use them once or twice today. I'm betting you're back in ketosis (if you even dropped out) much faster than it took you to get in initially.