aiming for a week at 100% SSIng


Silver Member
why can't i do it?
its only a bloody diet - why am i so tied to ffod.
Cause i love how it makes me feel, all yummy in my tummy and satisfied and loved. Is that it?
Cause afterwards i feel really guilty and horrible and dissapointed in myself.
But I need to overcome this reliance and be slim for once in my life.
The lbs are creeping back on and i am now 14 stone 8. Not long and i'll be back to 17 stone.
Please give me the strength to conquer this mound of fat and make me happy for once with myself,
I have introduced other people to this diet and they are successful so only me thats a big failure.
C done great and lost her weight and now T is almost there as well. why can't I do it?

I must, i must , i must do it.
for me, for everyone!
i will do this!
its taken longer than i thought and getting harder everytime but please please don't let me give in.
every lb is a lb closer to my ideal weight.

oh you sound so sad - big hugs your way x
have you done any reading or 'mind work' re weight loss? i've found that the bring your head in forum has helped loads - good luck hon x
i'm off to "bring your head"
see what happens
Hi good luck you can do it - I am just finishing my first week on SS. Take one day at a time and drink loads of water. Thats what helped me.
Come on you can do it. Whenever you feel hunger just come on here and it will help!!!
Good luck
thanks all,
am just trailing through the mind work posts and there are a lot of very interesting things in there
Slide show always keeps me on track, that and painting my nails so I can't eat!
You can do it, and you'll feel much better. Come on have a pint (water that is) Good luck
It's so hard, I know, I have been at this trying to lose weigh lark for sooooo long! But you can do it, you really can. When I was trying to get my restart going, I made a list of 50 reasons why I want to lose weight (aka 50 good things about being slim) and that's really helped to motivate me - maybe you could do this and print it out or write it out so you can keep focussing on why it's so important to you x