Alcohol Ideas


Majorly Motivated Mofo
I am having a long overdue gathering with some old friends on Saturday which will undoubtedly result in us drinking alcohol.

I was hoping you could all give me some ideas as to the least damaging drinks and mixers I could consume?

Hey...what do you usually drink? I don't know the exact values but I know beer/cider are high! When I go out I tend to stick to vodka and a diet mixer...25ml is 2.5 syns. Spirits tend to be the lowest syns and diet mixer is free! The danger with me and alcohol is once I've had a few I don't care about slimming world and drink everything in sight...and get food on the way home lol. You could flexi syn if it is a rare occasion (has your consultant spoke to you about this?) Another bit of advice I got from here is make food for the next day so if/when you are hungover you don't go to Mcds! Hope that helps
That helps alot Henri, I was thinking about drinking Vodka and Diet Coke as I love vodka anyway.

I don't actually know what a flexi-syn is? Would you be able to explain it a little to me please?

Flexi synning is when you know you have an occasion and won't be able to/don't want to stick to the 15 syns. You plan beforehand how many syns you will have (eg. 60) and allow yourself that many syns and stop when you get to it. The idea behind it is that you don't miss out but at the same time stay in control. With flexi synning you can plan to have as many syns as you want but the key is deciding beforehand. You can't have a blow out then decide the next day it was flexi synning. The next day you get back on plan as normal and don't cut syns to try and compensate. I hope that explains it lol. There are threads on it but I can't link you as I'm on my phone! Even do a wee search and it might be explained better :)
There is a sticky thread at the top of the main forum that explains flexisynning very well.
As for alcohol I usually drink dry martini with soda and squeezed lemon or lime. 50mls of martini are 2.5 syns and the soda and lemon/line juice are free so you could have 6 drinks without having to flexisyn.
I actually tend to drink Malibu and diet coke, as it's only 51 cals per 25ml measure, so 2.5 syns. I drink vodka as well but find Malibu to be a tasty alternative that's just as low in syns :).
I tend to stick to vodka or jd (25ml 3 syns) with diet mixer. I also find if eat things like pasta before I go out stops me getting the munchies and don't get drunk quick lol
i make a huge jug of sangria regularly for me and my friend 3x 125ml red wine topped up with sugarfree fizzy orange drink and chopped fruit 6 syns for 4 glasses each yummy
I think the lowest syn one is actually Bacardi. Or have I made that up because it's my tipple lol ?!!
I usually have vodka, fresh lime and soda for 2.5 syns...very refreshing and because I have it in a tall glass all the soda water helps prevent hangovers (this is when I behave...when I'm not behaving I drink anything and everything I can get my hands on, haha! :D)

It's possible to use your syns weekly as well without having to flexi syns. It depends how much you plan on drinking :)
I agree with Idea but I do love cider! Lol