Alcohol, whats your favourite?

:) Aren't we good Linz? LOL
Your all lushes! I dont drink unless on a very big night out when i'll have malibu and diet coke. It is very rare though.

A lush misses?? On water & diet coke? You been sniffing the malibu again??
And me on just water??? :confused:
I'm a lush on a Friday night, and we won't even go into this weekend. ;)
I've been a vodka and diet coke drinker for 23 years nearly. Used to be partial to Rose wine (Zinfadel & Grenache - yum!) but the sugar in them made me pretty ill so I gave them up a while ago. I like dry white instead now, chardonnay or pinot.
On Sunday Cheryl, starting with the Buffet breakfast. I'll load up with Sos, eggs and bacon, helps the carb bloat and the hangover. :)
and because it's a buffet I'll be able to have as many helpings as I like. :D
Baileys loveeeee it! i think thats contributed to my 1 stone weight gain since my wedding in August lol x
I have to say - I TOTALLY love the fact, that straight vodka has trace carbs - Jim, you've done this to me!!! XD
Yes Missy I do. I have come so far with atkins and actually getting fit that I have to chase this up an sort it out.
Aaron, what height are you? I was in the same boat size wise. You could carry the weight, you didnt look fat you looked big and strong. I was the same and got sick of it. What waist were you? I was 40 im in a 36 now!
Yes Missy I do. I have come so far with atkins and actually getting fit that I have to chase this up an sort it out.
Aaron, what height are you? I was in the same boat size wise. You could carry the weight, you didnt look fat you looked big and strong. I was the same and got sick of it. What waist were you? I was 40 im in a 36 now!

you have to sort one thing at a time hun, i wish you ALL the luck in the world xxx