all aboard for the lipotrim express....

rosie mae

Full Member
Hi everyone i thought i would keep my own journey recorded and hopefully meet some other passengers along the way

My friend told me about Lipotrim over 4 years ago when she had lost 3.5stone and has maintained her weight loss and looks great, so she is my inspiration..

i started Lipotrim after seeing a photo of myself at Christmas and couldn't quiet believe it was me... i was horrified and off to the chemist i went to get my supply...

i have now lost 3 stone... which i feel great about... however i decided to have a little break whilst on leave and i have been doing it for 3months.. i read about the GL diet, which my friend has maintained her weight with.. and i guess i confused myself.. i asked the chemhis ist about the best things to do during this little break, but was aware of her limited knowledge... and when i started my break, the flood gates have started to get out of hand and i have felt like drownding and in 10 days put on 3.5lbs...

i havent been really naughty, i have been eating healthy, but to much and have eaten when i havent been hungry... i exercise everyday...[just off for a swim]

i have been really disappointed, however i have had a maintainance formular this morning and feel more positive...and back at work tomorrow so bringing back routeen which i really need... any support would be greatfully recieved

thank you
phew... just come to bed and glad the day is over.... had a celebration tea at my mums... and will be glad to get back on to the sachets... two maintainace sachets tomorrow... and light tea.... want to go back to the start and have TFR to stop the stress of eating... i have no self will.... although sticking with Lipotrim for 3 months is will enough for anyone... need to address my relationship with food.... today... x