All these "how to aid weight loss" things...

I've read that if you eat half a grapefruit before every meal as well as a big salad (with celery) whilst drinking five cups of green tea a day, adding chilli to breakfast, and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, drinking Fennel tea as well, eat lentils every day, then add some Quinoa will help you lose weight and probably your mind lol!
*Emsie* said:
Do I cook the quinoa?

No stick it in the shoe of the leg you're standing on while you're drinking your water :)
So hilarious thank you for giving me a little laugh this evening :)
You shouldn't encourage I am going to have to reply to the following......

Well on that case no quiona for you I'm afraid ;)

That now I know I will have gained Tuesday January the 33rd at 2.30 ;) and I am beginning to worry that I will cause offence :eek:
You know losing weight is so easy with the standing on one leg, drink five gallons of water a day, only eating from other peoples plates and having a birthday every time there's cake!
... are driving me mad!!!

How to aid weight loss, according to consultants, studies, people, newspapers, magazines....

1. Drink lots of water
2. Drink green tea
3. Drink hot water in a morning
4. Exercise
5. Don't exercise because we retain water/build muscle (?) and don't lose
6. Eat grapefruit
7. Eat melon
8. Don't eat bananas, at least no more than 1 a day

I could go on, I'm sure I could find more. Arrggghhhhh.....

How to aid weight loss, in the world of jaylou,


Rant over. Off to have a cup of green tea and some grapefruit.....

You know the most important one is actually embedded in your signature - nice and bold for all to see:D - you even underlined it for us;)

(P.S. I blame the exercise!!!! lol)

no contest, must be the exercise !!

This reminds me of the old lady we keep our eye on. We got her a kitten a few months ago when her cat died and now if I say, for example, you have towels all over the bathroom floor (she is unbelievable untidy, almost to the point of being slovenly and falls on things she trips over ) her answer is always "WOZTHECAT". Imagine my delight today when looking for my weekly flutter on the gee gees, a whole 4 € a week, I found a horse running at Chester called, this space to see if he won.

The moral of the story......... why carry the can yourself when there is always someone else to carry it for you.
no contest, must be the exercise !!

This reminds me of the old lady we keep our eye on. We got her a kitten a few months ago when her cat died and now if I say, for example, you have towels all over the bathroom floor (she is unbelievable untidy, almost to the point of being slovenly and falls on things she trips over ) her answer is always "WOZTHECAT". Imagine my delight today when looking for my weekly flutter on the gee gees, a whole 4 € a week, I found a horse running at Chester called, this space to see if he won.

The moral of the story......... why carry the can yourself when there is always someone else to carry it for you.

I had to laugh at the first line of your post.....are you waiting for her to be reduced or pop up on ebay???? lol