Always Green - Cheese and Broccoli Trees


Hi everyone!

I'm vegetarian, unlike the rest of my family, so meal times can often be a haphazard as I try and deal with multiple menu requests. We are a husband who only likes food if it used to have a face, a two year old who hates everything apart from broccoli (Trees!), cheese and marmite, a 6 year old hyperactive boy who can't stop eating, and myself repeating patiently day after day why I don't like eating Peppa Pig.

My biggest obstacle to losing weight is remembering to eat real meals at the correct times, rather than munching on marmite on toast and crisps all day. I love cooking, but finding the energy to concoct wonderful meals each evening is often near on impossible without burning myself/dropping the dinner/getting the recipe wrong. So I muddle along, and I hope that by sharing my food diary I will remain motivated to eat properly each day. I have to shift almost 6 stone for health reasons, my sanity, and to keep up with my energetic children and mountain climbing husband. I love reading the food diaries on here for ideas, so thought I had better join the forum and give something back!

Good luck to everyone on your weight-loss journey :character00238:
Yesterday's Food Diary

2 weetabix (HexB) with milk (HexA) and sliced banana

baked beans on one slice of toast (HexB) with spread (2 syns). Took my kids to a soft play centre and the cafe had ran out of baked potatoes! My heart actually stopped for a moment before I realised I could have beans on toast and didn't need to eat the kid's chips. Completely ignored all the lovely homemade cakes and traybakes! Had a quick sniff of my son's cookie before I remembered the size of my hips and gave it back to him.

SW quiche (HexB) (love love love!), SW chips sprinkled with paprika and garlic and carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and sweetcorn. Sliced strawberries and yoghurt on a meringue for dessert (3 syns). I try not to buy fruit out of season, but the strawberries in Sainsbobs looked so lovely and colourful yesterday, and I am starting to get fed up of apples and pears...

Packet of Wotsits (4.5 syns)

6.5 syns for today

I had better mention that I normally have more syns than this each day but I had a small hiccup on Saturday night... I measured my wine out wrong, got a little tipsy and then finished what was left in the bottle. Oops. Was annoyed with myself as haven't gone off plan intentionally yet, but wine is my weak spot. So I must have had around 25 syns that evening, so trying to make up for it with a reduction in syns. As penance on Sunday I dragged my slightly hungover backside on a 3 mile walk to the shop in the next village and back again, instead of the small walk to our own local shop. I also dragged my very annoyed children with me, who normally prefer to spend Sundays in their jammies, and only get dressed to go to the playpark. I tried to eat only superspeed and speed foods all day, so hopefully this will be enough to pull it back as I hope to lose 2lbs this week. My goal is to reach 10% weightloss in 12 weeks, so I have huge chart on my fridge to keep reminding me and stop me from eating all the cheese.

Please feel free to comment/rate/advise on what I've eaten as I need all the help I can get.

DD is poorly, raging temperature and so unhappy. It has honestly taken me all the willpower I have to get through the afternoon without snorting chocolate, as the poor mite has screamed constantly. Not sure if I will get a chance to post today's food diary later on, so here is what I've eaten so far today:

One and a half (!) Shredded Wheat (HexB) with milk (HexA) and sliced banana

Quarter of a slice of leftover SW quiche (Half HexA - can't believe DH wanted to share MY quiche!) with salad

Not managed to have any yet! Grabbed a banana sandwich (Hex B and 2 syns for spread) in-between poorly child screaming fits, but that will not fill me for the evening! Will probably grab something from the freezer for quickness later on (no more than 2.5 syns planned for this), and have a meringue with strawberries again for pud (3 syns). Was hoping to make vegetable ragu but looks like that will have to be put on hold for now...

Wotsits (4.5 syns), lots of coffee with leftover milk allowance from breakfast. Total syns for the day should be no more than 12. Must stay away from the wine. And the chocolate.

I went for another long walk this morning, 1.5 hours which is huge for me. Felt exhausted by the time I got home, but hoping my legs look more and more fabulous each day rather than resembling blobs of rice pudding in tights. Was hoping to do some yoga this evening after I get the kids in bed, but with DD being ill and DH on nightshift it's not looking promising. And I've just found several hundred ants marching across my living room floor like they own the place, so don't fancy doing yoga down there amongst the masses.

Weigh-in day for me tomorrow! Fingers crossed I get my two pounds. This will be my fourth weigh-in since starting SW, and I can't get used to the dread I feel standing in the queue as the scales inch closer and closer, but can't wait to find out how I've done this week! I ordered a recipe book last week as well so looking forward to receiving it.
Would love to know if anyone treats themselves after weigh-in?

I have weigh in every Tuesday, and once I have been weighed I have what I call an 'off day' and eat whatever I want, i find that way I don't crave things as much in the week and if I do, it's more determination to stick to it so I can be naughty on Tuesdays :)