Am I being unrealistic (target)


Full Member
I would love to lose about 5 1/2stone in 9mths. Is that totally unrealistic? In total I would like to lose another stone on top of that but I am a bridesmaid on 5th June next year and i'm only 5ft2" and weight 15st2lb. I started the diet 2wks ago and have lost 6 1/2lbs so far and finding it really easy to follow and I am absolutely dertermined to do it this time, it just feels different this time (have never done SW before). I started out a size 20 on bottom (those are generous though as Evans sizes) and 18/20 on top and need to be in a 14 for the bridesmaids dress and to be that I need to be under 10stone.

What do you think? Is it do-able?
I think half a stone a month is realistic with some months more and some months less. So basically if you stick to plan you'll have shifted most of the weight, if not all. Good luck!
If you stick to plan and do plenty of exercise I don't see why not. Someone in my class lost 3 stone in 5 months so I'd certainly think it's achievable. Exercise is key though - walk, cycle, swim, anything. She walks for miles every week.
I'm 5 ft and have lost 3 st 5 1/2 lb since the end of january and I'm fitting in to a comfy size 12 so just keep on going I'm sure u will do fab x
I would deffo exercise as well. I'm 5ft 3 and weight 11 stone ( still battling along on my journey!) and I fit in a 14 comfortably. With the exercise you'll lose inches and tone up as well so look better than if you just lose weight alone. Good luck. Xx
If you stick to the plan then 2-3lb per week is possible on average, I lost for 33 weeks and lost over 6.5 stone in one year so good luck!
Everybody loses weight at different rates so even if you do stick to plan 100%, you can't guarantee a specific weightloss. It's taken me 12 months to lose 5.5 stone, and a woman in my SW group has lost 4.5 stone in 8 months. Yet a work colleague has lost just under 3 stone in the same amount of time. It can help to have a loss in mind, but it can also cloud your judgement. One woman at group had set herself the aim of losing 2lb per week, and if she lost say 1.5lb in a week, she considered herself a failure. She eventually packed the group in! Just stick with the plan and you will lose weight, but nobody can guarantee a specific amount in a specific time.
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I think time based goals are dangerous for a few reasons
~ your body might need longer to reach those goals - you can't predict losses really
~ if you do manage it, what's to say you'l stick to eating the sw way after you've worn the dress etc?

Not a dig at you at all love, but I think it's worth reminding ourselves SW isn't a diet it's a lifelong healthy eating plan. It's meant to achieve reasonable steady losses not massive chunks in the short term (though of course that does happen for some people!)

I hope you do well :)
Is it possible? Yes. It is, but you have to be committed.

I started on March 7th this year, on Wednesday gone, I received my six stone award. Six stone in six months.

To achieve that i have been focused on remaining 100%, all the time, with a fair but of exercise.

I started off at a not to dissimilar bmi to you.

I really recommend that you get into some regular exercise. Not to achieve Biggest Loser style losses, but it will help you feel better and give you that extra ten percent.

Women, especially women below average height often have very low bmr (look it up on google), which means the 10,000 calorie deficit needed to lose three pounds a week is really hard to achieve without pumping up the amount of calories your body burns with regular exercise.

There are quite a few losers on here who have a lost a lot more than you are wanting and are inspiring in how they do it. This lady especially:

She obviously started off in a darker place than you, but she should help you in working out how you can achieve what you want to do.
Aw thanks you all so much for your help, you have all done amazingly well!! The reason it feels different this time is because i've finally realised this is not a quick fix and this is a change I have to do for life. I''m really enjoying it and finally feel in control of my diet which is a really nice feeling. I know I can do it this time, I know I will do it this time.

If I get in to the dress then that will be amazing, if not then I guess I will need to buy a size up but I would need to know that at least 4mths before the wedding for delivery times ect. Even if the weight comes off at 1lb a week then that's almost 4stone off by this time next year, that will do me lol.
Meant to say thanks for the bmr info gazster. I checked that out a few weeks ago and apparently to maintain my weight now I would need to eat almost 2200cals per day so i've knocked 1000 off that per day so that I can hopefully lose 2lb per week. Obv as time goes on though I will need to up the exercise as that figure will become lower and it wont be healthy or sustainable to eat less than 1200 cals per day so exercise is defo the way to go. I have a heart cond though so need to be careful what I do and unfortunately (and fortunately lol) the meds I am on block my heart rate from going too high so burning cals is not easy for me. x
Meant to say thanks for the bmr info gazster. I checked that out a few weeks ago and apparently to maintain my weight now I would need to eat almost 2200cals per day so i've knocked 1000 off that per day so that I can hopefully lose 2lb per week. Obv as time goes on though I will need to up the exercise as that figure will become lower and it wont be healthy or sustainable to eat less than 1200 cals per day so exercise is defo the way to go. I have a heart cond though so need to be careful what I do and unfortunately (and fortunately lol) the meds I am on block my heart rate from going too high so burning cals is not easy for me. x

Do remember there is a further calculation, you need to multiply your bmr, that's by your activity level, and then take the thousand away from that number.

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

  1. If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
  2. If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
  3. If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
  4. If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
  5. If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
Yes, it is do-able, but it will take commitment! I have lost 4.5 stone in 8 months. I've found that over the last month my weight loss has slowed, and I have had more STS than before, so it is getting harder as I get nearer my target weight.

All you can do is try your best. If I were you, I wouldn't be too focused on the overall aim of 5+ stone in 9 months, I'd have mini goals as well. That way, you will feel a real sense of achievement as you go along, and it won't be the end of the world if you don't reach that one target at the end - you'll have hit many more along the way.

Good luck, and remember to keep coming on here for lots of support and tips!