and then there were two.. back on the bandwagon !

Aww congratulations :)
Oh my goodness............huge congratulations to you Sarah honey!!!!

Fabulous, fabulous, are the third person to tell me that you are preggers this
'tis the lambing season, eh?:);)
....and you won't need help, I am sure that everything will go fabulously for you! It kind of explains your emotional rollercoaster ride over the past couple of might have saved some money on that SAD lamp!!!:D:D:D

Is this your first Sarah? Tell me more about the whole thing...was it planned? (I know, I'm a nosey, nosey bugger!!!!) I had a fabulous pregnancy and giving birth and being mother to my angel is one of the most life-changing, positive things that ever happened to me!!!!

Oh, I'm so, so happy for you....and as you said as your diet is a life-change rather than an actual 'diet', you can just continue, you'll maybe just need to add a few more cals and some breakfast cereal perhaps.

I'm jumping up and down in my seat.....can't wait to hear more

love to you sweetheart
I dont think the SAD lamp would be a waste - lack of daylight does affect me badly in winter.... but maybe I wont need one if I see more daylight in winter. After all - I wont exactly be working much through the majority of next winter now !

No - not planned...

Doctors tomorrow and the day I usually weigh myself.

I've started having a small amount of porridge in the morning with semi skimmed milk the last couple of days. I had a bananna today at lunchtime. We've been to collect a car from near Standstead tonight and literally just in - so I had a multigrain healthy eating sandwich about 6.45pm en-route. I've now go 2 x cauliflower cheese grills (157 kcal ea) in the oven and will try to have a slice of bread maybe with that and then a piece of fruit.

My appetite has dropped like a stone. I'm not nauseous - but I'm struggling to eat 1000kcals in a day !!

Obviously - I need to be careful now and I have to consult the doctor both about my weight and how to maintain it, the fact I'm expecting and that I've previously had depression.

Also - got the China trip coming up... so it's all go ! We fly out to Guangzhou on the 13th. If you pm me your email addy Paula, I'll send you the flight info. I've spoken to Curtis and we're going to book Beijing flights on landing - so I'll keep in touch with you whilst we're in China and hopefully we can meet up if you can get a day off
weigh in today - a day late but never mind. 1.5lb down which I'm pleased at. I'm not as scale mad now - I know everything has to change. I'll be happy if I can maintain and not put any weight on for the next few months.

Everyting went well at the docs. I've to see the midwife probably Monday and the doc wants me fast-tracked for a scan next week to know exactly where I'm at before the trip to China in a couple of weeks.

She's also referring me to a dietician to give me some help at the moment with adjusting my current diet to suit since I'm now expecting.

All positive stuff ;-)

I think best thing for now is to get the proper advice - be monitored and do as I'm told. I'm still determined I want to shift the weight, and if that means prolonging it for some months then so be it.
Well done, seems everything is going swimmingly!!
yes - not too bad thanks. Definately a lot stranger and odder things to come - and some weight gain and a huge shape change.... but at least it will all be for the right reasons
Hi Momma!!!:)

Hope that everything is going well with you, your doctor's appt. sounded really positive and the fact that she's referring you to a dietician is amazing....really supportive!

I've already PM'ed this to you, but, I didn't put any weight on in the first two trimesters, putting on just over a stone in the third. I'm guessing that I was probably a similar size to you, if not bigger, and I had a natural childbirth, no complications! (I do have a Chinese husband though, so Eiriana wasn't a huge baby, just 6.6lbs - same as me when I was born!)

Hope that your weekend has gone well, and I really can't wait to meet up with you when you're over next month.....
Midwifes appointment on Tuesday - but in a nearby town as they couldn't fit me in in our town at the moment ! I'm also waiting to hear from the hospital as to when I've to go for a scan....

Otherwise - I'm doing pretty much ok. Scales are playing up big time and giving me all sorts of odd readings. They seem to do this from time to time. VERY annoying. I actually don't care at the moment what my weight is as long as it isn't going up..... and I know by what I've been eating that's not likely :)

Went shopping last weekend and bought some new jeans and some tops to wear for the China trip as all my tee shirts are fairly past it. What sort of temperature is it in Beijing ? Is it cold compared to Guangzhou ?

Loving the light nights and getting to do the ponies in daylight. It's SO so nice. I'm looking forward to getting outside for a while over the weekend. I want to take Summer out for a pootle round the block if it's dry. I havent ridden in about 3 weeks and won't be able to go out on her much more I don't imagine - so time to make the most of some leisurely strolls :)
Hiya Sarah,
You're sounding good, really positive! And really, don't worry too much about the weight, you know what you're eating and if your scales is playing up, just ignore them for the while!

I didn't get to Guangzhou this weekend, I have been so poorly that I took this long weekend to rest.....well that was the intention!:) Guangzhou at this time of year is already very hot, Beijing is still pretty chilly, probably similar weather to back home right now, although, it does have the odd hottish day. We had a very warm day on Friday, but the temp has gone back down again over the past few days. I would definately reccomend some sweaters and/or jackets.

I'm not sure whether I'll be able to get a day off, we're really busy at the moment, we have a teacher who left last Friday and I'm gonna be in her class for the next couple of busy, busy for me. But I'll definately be available in the evening. I can be off work most evenings by 4:30pm, so early enough to still spend a good couple of hours looking around! Are you flying home from Beijing or will you be flying back south to make a connecting flight? Re hotels in Beijing, let me know what kind of place your looking for, are you looking for something simple and clean or something more luxurious?
yeah - I'm doing ok. Was out riding yesterday - though it was very windy. I'd literally just got back and was untacking when the heavens opened and it poured down. Still - at least I managed to go for a ride out as that's probably the first time in three weeks and it's doubtful if I'll get a chance next weekend - or the weekend after as I'll be in China ! After that - who knows - I'll need to play it by ear and see how I feel (and find out how far gone I am ..)

Had a chinese carry-out last night which was quite a treat - but I'm sure as Paula knows - pretty much miles apart from real Chinese food !

Paula - I'm glad you've mentioned it's colder in Beijing - if you hadn't I think I'd have got there and frozen... given I know Guangzhou is pretty hot and humid.

I'll obviously let you know when we book the Beijing flights. We'll be flying back to Guangzhou to catch our flight home. I think we're staying in a 4 star in Guangzhou... so something 3 star plus. Twin room for mum and I and a single for Curtis. If you dont have any specific suggestions - we shouldn't have much trouble finding and booking something via the business centre at the Guangzhou hotel
got in at 1.30am this morning. I'm truly knacked. Thank you for a wonderful time in Beijing !!! Mum is still driving home from here to Scotland

I'm just about to pack up work, go do the food shopping and then go do ponies, then home and crash. I'm so so tired. I had 6 hours sleep last night and previously hadn't been to bed in 2 days.

I've got my scan tomorrow am first thing.

I'll do a proper post tomorrow and proper update too.

Love S-J x
Wow....I bet your absolutely shattered take it easy!!

I hope that the doc appointment went well, can't wait to find out how far gone you actually are.....wouldn't it be funny if you were actually 8 months!!!;)

Last day at work tomorrow, and I've just spent the last couple of hours some really nice things....need the weather to warm back up now so that I can wear them!!!

Love to you hon!
I am still catching up... Got to about 3pm today and then the tiredness hit me. Felt like I was walking into a brick wall.

It probably didn't help that I was stressing a bit over this scan and was up and down several times through the night with very vivid dreams and nightmares.

I reckon I'll phase out tonight in seconds flat !

Good news is that everything is looking ok and there is only ONE. It wasn't moving at all, but heartbeat was there - so I guess it must be tired too after all the excitement of the last week or two !

I had guessed I'd be due 28th October, but scan date is 2nd November - so has pushed me back 4 or 5 days. Fairly close to my guesstimate.

Baby currently measures 62mm from crown to rump - so it's about the size of a hen's egg. Scan pic attached - head to the right.

Been on the scales this am and my weight is exactly where I left off - so they're happy with that as really don't want me losing now I'm in second trimester. Next scan is booked for June - date is in the car. Can't remember if it's the 16th or 19th off hand.

Mum is going to put the China trip photos on a disc at the wekend - so I'll post a few next week


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Hiya Butty.... are things going, I'm loving the scan!
I just got back to Beijing yesterday and feeling a bit pooey....update in my diary....I think I've just realised why I'm feeling so down, I have an assignment due in next week....sub-concious remembered, could have given me a heads-up!

How was everything after you got back? How's you Mum? Looking forward to seeing the pics sweetie.

mum is doing great thanks. She sent me a disc that was meant to have all the Beijing pics on it - but it was only Guangzhou. I think there just wasn't enough room on the disc ! Hopefully this week, mum is going to do another disc with Beijing on it. If you pm me your address, I'll post you a copy when I get it.

I'm now 15 weeks gone today. Where does time go ? My weight has been fluctuating as normal I seem to be 2 or 3 lb heavier one day than my ticker and two or 3lb lower than the ticker the next ! I've been doing ok considering the diet obviously had to stop. I don't appear to have actually put anything on yet..... although I'm definately starting to expand round the middle !

I've been out on the ponies a few times - but it is getting less and less.

Last Sunday was the last time. I went to the car boot sale in the morning and walked around for a good couple of hours. Came back with some gardening tools. Then clipped my friend's horse's legs, moveld my lot about from field to field, rode Summer and then planted a load of vegetable plants down the field.

By the time I finished that lot, I literally had to sit down on the spot in the field as I was so close to passing out. It was a good 1/2 hour before I was ok to drive home. I think I learnt that I'm just not capeable of that much any more and have been taking it easier since.

I get home from work and then ponies about 8pm at night at the moment. By the time I've done dinner, I'm ready to crash out (back of 10pm)

The weather has really warmed up and it's become glorious - but really far too hot during the day. Steve (my oh) and I went to Suffolk show today and had a good walk round. It was lovely and rather pleasant with a good breeze. We're both rather sunburned tonight - me more so than Steve.

I decided after being on the go all afternoon, it wouldn't be sensible to take the ponies out tonight.... so I dug over another patch and planted carrots instead !

I'll be lucky really if I take the ponies out any more than once or twice - and at that only for a little pootle round the block. It's not going to be long before bump starts expanding and it's not worth taknig any risks. Still - won't stop me playing with them in the field :)
Take it easy SJ, you really need to know that you are pregnant!!!

Are you eating well enough? I know, I'm a busy-body, but there are two of you that need taking care of now,missing breakfast and lunch is no longer an option for you!

Enough nagging.....too much stuff going on here for me to be worrying about you

Love You
I forgot to tell you I went horse-riding last weekend...well, I'm not sure if you would call it horse riding, it involved me sitting on a horse, but we didn't really move much!

Didn't go out with the intention of riding a horse, so wasn't really dressed with appropriate footwear, had berkenstocks on......ooops!!!

Blooming horse was so hungry that everytime he got out of earshot of the trainer, he put his head down and munched and no amount of pulling on the reigns, digging in my heels or cajoling would make him go......

Xiao Zhou really enjoyed riding and spent a goof45 minutes riding, trotting and galloping - his footwear was much more suited for the occasion! Eiriana was so excited about riding, but when we got up close, she said 'oh, no, they are much too big Mummy, I need a tiny pony!'

Hope you're doing OK honey,love to you!
Just seen this

:big grin:

We have a tiny pony here for if and when Erianna comes to visit :). He's very sweet and cuddly and just her size. She'll be too big by next year !!!

I last rode two weeks ago. I might take Summer out for a walk this weekend, depending on how things go... but I think that will be the last of my riding for the rest of 2008 ! I'm simply not willing to risk any accidents.

Time is flying by - I'm 16wks + 3 now :shocked: I can't yet imagine being a "mummy" and it practically terrifies me. I'm sure I'll be fine ... most of it is likely to be fear of the unknown. Summer should be expecting too - but her four leg won't be due until about February.

Atm, I've no worries or concerns over birth etc - more like how I'll cope and stay sane once it arrives ! I find tiny babies terrifying. They are fine once they are toddling size. It's probably becasue I've never had anything to do with human babies in any sphere and have got no idea how to keep them amused or happy or...


Pm me your postal address. There is a cd of Beijing photos here for you :)