Andy's "to be a thin dad" diary

There is food talk below, so please skip this post if you don't want to read about it.

Yeah, I've made sure she knows how hard it can get around then. She'll support me through it.

Still feeling great though mind has obsessed today. I hate that, but at least it's obsession about weight loss and not eating.

On way to work today, I saw a very overweight woman with a young daughter. I assume she was about 4, as no school uniform but looked about 5. They were almost identical - the poor kid. Now this isn't meant to offend anyone here who is overweight, and has an overweight child, but it broke my heart and made my resolve stronger to make sure Jasper never has to experience the life I did. He will get the right example and the right foods.

speaking of the right foods.... Someone my wife knows made her feel realy bad months ago for bottle feeding Jasper. Now, she hadn't had milk come in, was expressing blood, Jasper had meningitis, and she hadn't slept in 10 days (she had slow labour for a few days before he was born. Despite all that, this woman told her she'd never give that sort of muck to her child - as "Breast is best" (I could slaughter whoever came up with that).

Fast forward a few months and Jasper has been getting weaned for nearly 3 months, due to his reflux and cow protein allergy. He's eating lovely healthy food, with very few snacks and nothing unhealthy. This other woman has started weaning at 6 months and her daughter's first meal? An oven chip. Within a week, she had pizza.

As well as Breast is best, the other saying I hate is "Food before one, is just for fun". I get the principle but it's leading people into thinking that means they can feed them anything. Another woman my wife knows posted pics of her son, just starting weaning with a plate of beans on toast and a warning to not criticise because "Food before one, is just for fun".

What seems to be happening is people are taking the foods they think are fun, and imprinting it on their kids. Some are giving them chocolate at 6 months - one woman said "I can't live without it, and don't see why they should miss out". That kid was 8 months.

Why not make healthy food fun instead. It also builds my resolve up.
:mad: What a stupid woman! To be honest, some people really are just... THICK. I'm not afraid to say it. Some people are stupid and should not breed. Sounds harsh? Totally. Is it true? ... well yes. Don't waste your time even thinking about what they're saying. It sounds like you two are wonderful parents because you KNOW what is best for your child. Breast isn't always best - if the mum can't do it for whatever reason. It doesn't always work out - while I do agree to SOME degree that our own milk is probably genetically best for our offspring, baby formula is in constant development to be a close match. Many have grown up purely being fed baby formula and are just fine as adults. I wouldn't worry about it.

Who the hell gives their children chips, pizza and chocolate before 2/3 let alone before they're even 1 year old anyway?? They're smaller than adults so much smaller quantities will have an effect... and they probably can't even process it all properly just yet, because the immune system is just developing.
And giving them sugar of all things... oh my word... in my opinion sugar is quite evil and I wouldn't introduce it (other than fruit and veg) for my kids until they're well into the 8' or 9's ... if at all. :) ... well other than a fun baking activity once in a blue moon!! maybe not even using real sugar, but a natural sweetner... Hmm. :) Lol. I hate sugar. It's awful stuff!!! ... *gets off soap box*

You are right to be disgusted and appalled. Do what you're doing with your little one - I mean... Ok, so us being fat is an awful curse, but because we have been through so much with it and have a heightened awareness we know what NOT to do with our kids. This is why, I am confident your LO will grow up to be a strong and healthy individual. :)
Half way through day 21 and still doing great. Tomorrow means I can say I'm on my 4th week which feels like I've been on this ages, which is great. I always worry early on that I won't stick to it, and by week 4 I'm about there. Another week after that to feel totally secure though.
Lost 3.4 this week so very happy. That's 21 in 3 weeks and I'm on week 4 at last!

Another 2 st or so should make me happy. I'll never get back down to where I got to in 2009 but i don't really want to, and the mrs never liked me at that went anyway.
Near the end of day 26, and feeling fantastic. Only downside has been my inability to kick the scales habit. I'll try again Monday. Haven't lost much yet this week but don't care - it will come.

What is really helping is the protein and veg, and finding different ways to have it. And the coffee. Once I discovered I could have my normal sweetner, I've been using coffee as an appetite suppressant and it has stopped me every getting hungry, which has in the past happened.

I have found some mouth sprays I can use, and I'm only 2 days from finishing week 4, and getting into the magic week 5.

This week I managed to stop wearing jumpers at work to hide the flab which was a well timed victory. Someone noticed my loss today.

All told going very well. Its bizarre, I have no felt any cravings at all. I am obsessing still about losing weight, though not as much as in the past but not food.

I'm unofficially in the 15's again, by a few ounces but it's a lovely big step that I can officially celebrate come Monday morning :)
Sounds like you are doing amazing!
I haven't read your diary yet, just the last page.
Regarding a post you wrote about an overweight woman and her child. I work with children every day and I have one child who is obese. Not overweight. Obese. Another child called her fat which got relayed to her Mum from the daughter. Mum said to me, I know she has a little bit of puppy fat but she's upset by this remark.
Unfortunately, we live in a 'let's not offend anyone' world now and sometimes the honest truth hurts at first but is for the greater good. The mother incidentally isn't overweight and is a lovely lady. I just wish that she would have her child's best interests at heart.
It's sad and disheartening - I am sure that mother loves her daughter as much as any mother ever has, but doesn't understand the potential misery and life time of hurt that being obese can be. While young kids shouldn't be on traditional diets, it does worry me greatly when I see someone overweight so young, knowing that it could just be the tip of the iceberg in time :(
Only lost 1.2lbs, so quite gutted. A loss may be a loss but when it happens, it always shakes my faith.

Still start of week 5, and I'll see how it goes.
You are doing great. You struck a chord when you said about taking your jumper off at work. I have been wearing a gilet type thing over my work shirt for months now, even when I am so hot it's unbearable. I know that's silly but felt it was hiding my huge tummy a little. I took it off the other day and omg did it feel so much better x
Somehow managed to come through today's rubbish weigh in. I very nearly called it a day, but managed to keep going. All sorts of reasons for staying on, but the clincher was this; if I'd lost 3lbs, I'd have been happy and carried on with my week. I asked myself if I was really going to give up; really going to throw away the whole thing, for the sake of 1.8lbs?

Back on track. Think I can withstand another week or two, even if I had another bad week next week.
And I hit the week 5 brick wall that I always hit. That's me calling it a day and going back to calorie counting. Am determined to focus on my goals and eating healthily.

Good luck folks :)
It's sad and disheartening - I am sure that mother loves her daughter as much as any mother ever has, but doesn't understand the potential misery and life time of hurt that being obese can be. While young kids shouldn't be on traditional diets, it does worry me greatly when I see someone overweight so young, knowing that it could just be the tip of the iceberg in time :(
My daughter is overweight/obese. I've been looking for help for 18 months now and hitting a brick wall - I am given food pyramids and told to give her wholewheat bread, pasta, cereal etc - she just got bigger. She eats loads of fruit and veg, meat and I cook from scratch (don't own a microwave either) - Fast food is a monthly treat and in a small portion, the issue is with refined carbs and the inevitable sugar load it puts onto her system but at school, at her dad's, at her nan's she is told brown homemade bread is good, brown pasta is good plus there are always several homemade desserts on the go. It's hard work restricting the diet of a 6 year old, her school has a supposed healthy eating policy but packed lunches can only contain a sandwich/wrap, a frube and a piece of fruit - as they eat in the classroom and don't want excessive mess.
Am I to blame?
I was definitely part of the problem in that I used to eat from boredom & there used to be a lot more food around. She is slimmer now than she was - but there's still a problem. Dr said she would not be referred to see anyone unless she was significantly obese. I think she'll always have a tendency to be big - I was, my parents were (even my mum at under 10 stone was a size 12/14 on the bottom, so is my sis) and her dad's family are all "small and round" for the main. So genetically, she'll never be a skinny minnie.
It's a fine line between restricting a kids food, making them food obssessed were they will hoard and steal food or making them so self conscious to trigger an eating disorder (my step daughter to be). It's not an easy road to be on - at school last week there was an after school social - with tons of cake, biscuits, sweets, sandwiches etc and to see "skinny kids" eating tons of this crap whilst my daughter came and told me she had one bun and one drink was a little bit heart wrenching cos at 6 it shouldn't matter but it does :(
Anyhow, just to say not every mother of an obese child is ignorantly dragging them into a life of deep fried meals and takeaways. Mainstream thinking on nutrition is out dated and misinformed to start with - so finding answers isn't easy.
Hope it's not something you face with your child.
I knew after I posted that, that at some point it would come back and haunt me.

I am sure that there are occasional examples like you, who fight heaven and earth to ensure their child's health. Just as I am sure there are millions who stick Greggs pasties I. Their children's mouths, and over feed them at every step.