Angelupnorth 2012 lost 6st, photos included, restart Jan 13 for the last time

Angel good vibes for getting through day 2 hon. One thing I would suggest is try to have a SS+ day where you feel you are struggling and just need that something extra. Or have extra chicken or eggs, etc that won't kick you out of ketosis. I was in London last weekend and I chose to have non carb meals with salad and it didn't knock me out of ketosis and I still lost one and a half pounds that week. Ok not a lot but knowing I can choose to slightly go off plan but not of the rails is really helping me after countless attempts at getting back onto vlcd since the start of the year. I just don't want you getting into that awful cycle of getting a couple of vlcd days under your belt then having something carby or calorific and then thinking I;ve blown it today so I will start tomorrow. I spent months on that cycle, in fact the best part of this year! I do understand though what you are saying about having a goal or something to focus on. Maybe just refocusing a little will help?

Have a great day. x
Thanks hunni !

That is the exact cycle I am in, I get to about day 3 and fall off the wagon again.
It is getting better and each time I convince myself it will be the last time I fall off but a few days later I cave in again.

Today is another day one ( not good )
Less than 2 weeks until my weigh in and I have NO chance of being where I wanted to be but I have less than 2 stone to my new goal so going to try and focus on that.

On the plus dude I am on my phone so it looks like that issue has been resolved and fingers crossed the easier access to here may help me again.

Mug of green tea down and 3 products ready to take to work. I'm maybe going to have to go straight to bed on a evening as they are my worst times.

Thanks for the support and words of wisdom. I know I will get back on track, it's just not as easy as I had thought, thank god for this place as I may have thrown the towel in by now x x x
Ok I am not going to do the softly softly approach ((((because my dear virtual but local Geordie friend I really do care!))))

Angel, either choose a food/diet plan that includes foods and you count calories or whereby you don't have carbs etc. Or move up to either SS+ or even 810 (don't have the carbs and you'll still lose weight on 810). You are in a cycle of ON and OFF SSing and I know this because I have been there twice after successfully losing 2 stones once in 2008 for a friend's wedding then in 2009. I gained both times. I have spent 2010, 2011 and best part of this year trying to get back to a vlcd to shed 2 stones and never managed it. Please, please don't do a me! Not after all your hard hard work honey.

STOP!! And think in order to refocus. If you don't I fear you will put more weight on.....sorry but it's true because I've done it and so many others too. Don't be one of us. Be a successful maintainer and I will cheer lead you on!! I have always been cyncial about these self help books (I'm a lawyer and I;ve always thought this kind of stuff is airy fairy). However, it's not these books work for some not for others. What helped me break my cycle of on and off vlcd was a site recommended by a fellow Miniminer who binged. It's called I downloaded the book onto my ipad Kindle app. I dip into it every other night. I also read Beck and Riley again both I dip into and out of. Out of those I'd recommend Brain over binge as that really helped me break the on off cycle and more or less stick to SnS "choosing" food options that kept the calories down and kept in ketotis. Obviously I have a very long way to go before I am "recovered".

Have a good day today hon but please take a step back I soooo WANT you to succeed after such hard work. xx
Angel I really hope I didn't upset you by being so blunt? The irony is that yesterday I wasn't 100% and had an extra bar and pack and more chicken & salad than I should have done!! Certainly didn't try to ignore my "animal brain/voice in head"!! I sincerely wasn't being critical and genuinely want you to never to put on any of the weight you lost after such a hard slog. Hope all is well, thinking of you. x
Hi Kira,

Just read both of your posts above as not been on here so far today.
Please do not worry about upsetting me, You didnt and im very thick skinned anyway lol.

I have the Beck solution and will dig it out again. I will also look into the other 2 you mention and fingers crossed they could be the kick up the ass I need.
I bought some new jeans yesterday and still managed to SQUEEZE into a 12 :bliss:However it certainly was a squeeze so that has also spurred me back into action as I am not going back into a 14 EVER.

I seriously appreciate your help, advice and your concern...............Thank you x x x
Just looked and I cant find the brain over binge on my iphone app ?
Will keep looking, Thanks again Kira x x x

Found it on Amazon........ x x x
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Last post for this evening as I intend to be too busy reading...........................

Kira I have bought the book on my iphone bargain £5.99 ( eventually found it )

It could fingers crossed be just the thing I need x
Wow, What a day.

As most will know I have struggled getting back on track after my weddingand honeymoon. I have done great some days then suddenly binged late at night for no reason ( when I say binged I do mean binged )

I know I am out of ketosis and I know this is not what I want !

I will NOT put weight on or move up a clothes size (new jeans 2 days ago size 12 still woop woop )

After the lovely Kira recommended it I downloaded a book to my iPhone last night............... The book is Brain over Binge and I have been unable to put it down and am about 1/3 of the way through. The book makes so much sense and I am hoping it is just what I needed to get me back on track. Yes I have the urges to eat but its my choice to listen to these urges and now I hope I am back in the zone and able to say no again.

I guess being off plan for the wedding etc has made a big impact on me and trying to get back into Cambridge HAS been harder ............WAY HARDER than I had hoped it would be but Its my choices which will get me back to where I want to be and I CHOOSE not to give in, I choose to feel better, less sluggish, less disappointed with myself and I choose to allow myself to be happy and binging does not make me happy !
Don't get me wrong I am not Bulimic, I have never abused my body by making myself sick or by taking laxatives but I am letting myself down by being good all day and then binging on a evening so it ENDS HERE AND NOW !

Thanks again Kira, It is just the kick up the backside I have needed.

1 week till my weigh in with CDC as she has been on holiday.
I am back onto later shifts next week so will be back at the Gym more. My passion and enthusiasm for Cambridge has never wavered I just slipped of track for a while. Without this place, Without you lot I would have gone well and truly off track and lost my way so once again.............................

Morning all,

Fingers crossed and good vibes that I don't slip up whilst at work today.
I have the book on my phone so will read a few pages each chance I get to help keep me on track.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
Wow Angel, what a powerful recommendation of the book! I hope it is helping you keep on track. I'm off to go check it out now. :)
It was lovely and mysterious Annie Annie that recommended it to me. She posts from time to time and is very insightful. She doesn't have her own diary thread as far as I am aware. Hope she will drop by and post soon on my diary thread.

Annie Annie also recommended a site called I think it was and it got bullet points that really helped me. It is aimed at alcohol and drug addiction and you can replace alcohol and drug addiction with binge or food. Again for a cynic about therapy counselling self help books both of these really helped me. Obviously different things work for different people and sometimes one hits a low one is prepared to look at any alternative to help.

Hope you both have had a good day! X
Evening all,

one step forward 2 steps back but not food. !

Must have drank almost 1ltr of baileys in the last 2 days ! Once I poured the 1st glass snuggled on the sofa last night I had to have another, and another . . . . . .
Trouble with baileys is once the bottle is open :-(

Food wise however has been pretty good. I am so dreading weigh in next week but still reading the book and still sure I will get back on track.

I am hoping to start running next week. I've never been a runner ( although I love walking ) not 100 % I will do it but going to look at the couch to 5k training program on the NHS website. I want to and I want to enjoy it.

I just so want to get back to the motivated me and get back on track.

Hope everyone has a fab weekend :)
Morning Angel, the running is probably the best thing you can do as it is a great calorie burner so even if you eat something you wished you hadn't you will soon be burning that off on the coach to 5k training! I am sure you will find the way that suits as not one plan or method of weight loss or maintenance works for us all. Have a good day today hon. x
The Couch to 5K plan - Live Well - NHS Choices

Thought I would post the link in case anyone else is interested.

Cant wait to get started but week 1 will be a breeze with my walking I know I am passed that stage but will do it as I am supposed to. The program has me very excited and I cant wait to get going with it.

Food wise was 100% SS yesterday and I will be again today, I know Ive said it before but this is it, Back on track and back to getting where I want to be.

Less than a week to weigh in so drastic times call for drastic measures............. I must do this now or Kira you could be right, I could end up going round and round and getting nowhere.

Have a good day everyone x x x
Evening all,

one step forward 2 steps back but not food. !

Must have drank almost 1ltr of baileys in the last 2 days ! Once I poured the 1st glass snuggled on the sofa last night I had to have another, and another . . . . . .
Trouble with baileys is once the bottle is open :-(

Food wise however has been pretty good. I am so dreading weigh in next week but still reading the book and still sure I will get back on track.

I am hoping to start running next week. I've never been a runner ( although I love walking ) not 100 % I will do it but going to look at the couch to 5k training program on the NHS website. I want to and I want to enjoy it.

I just so want to get back to the motivated me and get back on track.

Hope everyone has a fab weekend :)

way to go you thinking about running - I have never been fond of the idea of running - although i do envy those that go out and do it. Im hoping that once Im at goal it is something I will get into as its free too!!! Getting back on track is so hard but it is possible!! Keep going, keep thinking how close you are to your goal - is not for long now and you will be done!!
I did some tabatas while in France this week on the hotel treadmill (walk at good pace for 5 min warmup, run 20sec, stop 10sec * 8, walk a few min, repeat). It sounds easy, but by the end of the 8 repetitions you really feel it. During the time on the treadmill I did 3 sets, and then ran for 4min. I prefer the tabatas as you don't get bored and it boosts your metabolism really well for the rest of the day.

However, the person who inspired me to do CD has now run 5ks and is training for a 10k. I will take a look at the URL (thanks for posting it Angel!) and see if I can get into this. My friends tell me to run outside, because it's less boring than the treadmill....
Angel once you get into the running I am sure it will give you a focus and I think that is really going to help you. You already are a proper walker! The running bit you'll probably getting hooked on! Do all your stretches though as don't want you to get injuries. I am going to look at the link and see if I can brave attempting to run again since this affilcation with plantar fascitiis that really has stopped me in my tracks because it is so painful!
Morning all

Day 3 of being 100% SS today ( I hope )
The book is keeping me on track and I am itching to start the running tomorrow although hubby may have other ideas as he has a early finish from work on a Monday so I may have to do it Tue at the Gym...............Not making excuses but time with the hubby at the mo is still extra nice so I don't want to miss time with him for something I could do the next day.

Working a late train today so that helps keep me on track as evenings have been my downfall and if I'm on a mega late like tonight I go straight to bed.

Nothing else to report so all is good fingers crossed it stays like this.....................I so want to get to goal by Xmas ( I had always said that so although I have had the gain due to wedding etc I'm not too disheartened by it )

Have a good day everyone x x x x x
Afternoon all, yesterday was as predicted another 100% day :)

I do think I'm am back in the zone at last.
My weight jumped up a bit but I will still have a small loss with CDC on Friday when I see her. Just gutted I didn't get straight back into it but better late than never.

Day off today and a spot of retail therapy with the hubby this morning. Chilling this afternoon and back to the Gym tomorrow, I will be like a new starter lol.

I'm a bit gutted as I'm away the next two weekends, Friday to Sunday this weekend in London for a friends 40th. I will be good and stick to SS + days. We will no doubt do lots if walking but also unfortunately for the diet I know I will have a few G and T.
Next weekend is worse I am away to Somerset Friday to Monday at a fab 4* spa hotel with I work friend. Her hubby works there so it was a great bargain I couldn't let pass me by.
It is in its own grounds so lots of walking and I will make use of the pool and gym.
I am always a busy person and have 7 overnight occasions between now and Xmas but I can not port things slip again :-(

Hope everyone is doing ok ?

Will have a better catch up later x x x