Angelupnorth 2012 lost 6st, photos included, restart Jan 13 for the last time

Morning all,

I'm flipping livid my scales have showed a slight gain this morning ? ?

I've been 100% so do not understand it ?
I have been drinking between 2.5 and 3.5 ltr water.
I know I shouldn't weigh myself daily but can't help it. Going to avoid them until later in the week and hope it doesn't affect me mentally.

It's got to be something silly and I'm sure it will be back to normal tomorrow but hate a increase without reason x
AWah! Angel don't panic as daily weighing does change. It can go up and down every day. All sorts of reasons as to why because the body's organs process food water in different ways. Lily posted a good explanation on Greta's thread. So only daily weigh if you can mentally handle it. It helps me but that is because I record each day and it helps me stick to plan even if there is a gain of 2lbs which then disappears the next or goes with a whoosh two days later. Keep sticking to plan you know you will get results as you have done and succeeded before. x
What Kira said, Angel. You've been doing this long enough to know that the scales go up and down ... and that you're looking for the overall trend to be down, not so much the daily one.

Hang in there - it'll come off!!! :)
Morning all,

sorry I've not been in a few days, as you may have guessed the weigh in cheeses me right off and I slipped of the wagon in spectacular style so today is day 1 AGAIN !

I feel such a failure at times. I know I can do it and I do want to, guess I just need to be more string willed.

Hope everyone is doing better than I am x
Hi Angel .... we've all been there! Back to Day 1 - hope you get into ketosis quickly. You can do this - just don't give up and you'll get there in the end.

Keep busy!
Thanks Tizzy
I have 16 days until a meet up with friends and a Party that evening. Im going to get it into my head that will be a planned break and TRY and SS until then, 16 Days is nothing when you thing we all managed months on end at the start. I just wish I didn't come off plan for the wedding. I would have smashed my goal ages ago and now its one step forward 2 steps back. Gutted with myself but like we said none of us are quitters so on we go x x x
Angel hon don't forget you have successfully lost a considerable amount of weight and you extorted will power and restraint for all those months. You can get back on to vlcd I'm sure but please please reconsider doing SS plus or 810 of alternating between them during the week when your resolve is low or wavering? I say this because I have on two occasions successfully lost 2008 and 2009 and then failed so many times trying to to vlcd again. I re read my 2009 journal and I was writing stuff like I have cheated or failed ( because I ate off plan had the odd glass of wine) I would try then to to vlcd and would last 3-5 days and eat again and write I'd fail again. It went on for a couple of weeks and I caved in and staring eating like I did before. No restraint and drank more wine etc etc.

inso don't want you no gain weight back and I respectfully ask you to reconsider the cd step you are on. Also and I mean this kindly and with sincerity or wrote in one thread you would be on and off Cd forever.... Or words to that effect. Alas this may well be the case., I did the same for two years trying to get back onto cd wasted all that money and became depressed on and off but I never ever got to goal. Just have a think about the bigger picture and have a look around at those who did lose on vlcd and came back finding it even harder. You may find a higher plan will help you stick to it and lose weight. X
Thanks Kira,

I know what you are saying makes great sense and I know in my heart a VLCD isn't for the long term nor should I be looking at it as a long term on / off thing but at the moment I feel it's still all or nothing and try each day. I am hoping it will click again in my head and once I get to goal I will switch to a SW type plan.

I NEED to drop at least a stone before Xmas so i can relax over the festive period. I have so much going on in Dec I need to make sure I can enjoy it without getting any bigger than I am now so that means cutting back now to reap the rewards later.

I had a bit of a episode earlier with my Hubby, we were being intimate and I didn't want to get naked. I got a bit upset afterwards as a few months ago I would have been thrilled to be this shape / size but now I have been smaller and I know how good that felt I want the " skinny " feeling back.
I'm going to give this another shot on SS and fingers crossed my reaction today could be the low I needed to get me back on track :)

I'm not seeing CDC until 24th so 2 weeks to drop as much of my excess as I can.
I am so disappointed with myself because this time last week I was on cloud 9, and I wish I hadn't of weighed myself during the week.

Anyway once again wish me luck girls, hope you are all doing better than me at the moment x x x
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Angel!! oh! I sooo understand hon! Just so completely get it. OK you can do this and you are spot on you need that mental "click" that will give you the determination to stick to SS 100%. How about getting your wedding dress out and hanging it in your room where you can see it and try it on every week? Aim to get back into to in your head and that may help. You have done this before and you can do it again. I totally get that hitting the lowest point one can is the trigger needed to stick to plan. That is exactly what happened to me until finally on 3 Sept I just knew I had to stick to plan. Be positive and forget what happened previously what you ate etc as I think negative feelings of "Oh! I failed again" can really prevent one getting back on plan (again I simply say this from personal experience!). SO happy and positive like you were at the start of the year. You can end 2012 will the ending you want certainly weight wise!!
Stop jumping on the scales

It's easier said than done as I'm a scale freak when on cd, every day, twice a day I even recorded my weights am and pm on my notes app on my iPhone. However it is true that the scales can really affect your mood and if there's a slight gain, due to water retention, you become disheartened and ask why. It prays on you all day long.
Thanks girls,

Day 2 over and 100% again,
Hot choc this morning and 2 shakes plus 3 ltr of water :)

Just in from work and usually I would grab something to eat but tonight I'm not going to.
I tried a pair of size 12 river island jeans this morning, they still fit me but I have a muffin top that looks like a swimming ring lol, I know in a few weeks that could be vastly reduced and I know that's what I want more than any food.

I've just got to think how I was thinking and feeling pre wedding and that should help me.
Even looking at my pictures from Aug I don't feel as though the slim person looking back was me !

I am going to a party a week on Sat and not only want to look great but I want to feel great.

Heading to bed soon, much earlier than normal but obviously I'm avoiding temptation.

Thanks as always for the support and kind words x x x
Morning all
Day 3 and still 100%, fingers crossed the feeling I had on Sat was enough to keep me on track.
1 shake so far and a mug of green tea. Feeling ok so far so doubt Im in ketosis yet but will be within a few days, Dreading the cold feelings as its cold enough to start with but hey ho as we all know its worth these worst few days are worth it for the drop on the scales.
Hubby's mum is back from Thailand this week ( shes been away since our wedding and hasn't seen me since the gain after the wedding so I do NOT want to let her see me bigger again, she would love it and I don't want to give her the satisfaction )
Im already thinking of how great I will feel on Xmas nights out and at our annual Boxing day bash.
Between now and xmas I have a few things booked / planned, Glasgow overnight, Edinburgh ovenight, Amsterdam 2 nights away and 2 girlie shopping / lunch days not to mention the 30th birthday party we are at next weekend. I am going to treat them how I did at the start of Cambridge and be as good as I possibly can. I managed overnight trips without having a gain in the past and I will I hope be able to do it again.
Im on a late shift today, 4 pm start and home by around 1am ( all being well ) Once Im at work I can be good, plenty of green tea and another 2 products for today.
Things are looking up girls,
I WILL be back in the 11's NEXT week when I see CDC for my weigh in and I cant wait, I know its a old naff saying but seriously NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING SLIM FEELS :D
Sounds like you're on a roll and back in the zone! Definitely you don't want to give your MIL any satisfaction that you've gained weight ... and what kind of MIL is she that such a thing would be a source of satisfaction???!?

You have managed this diet superbly well - you've got the knowledge and experience to do it again! I expect by Christmas/New Year's you will have made it to goal and will be mastering the art of maintenance... !
Hi Angel. I have just completed my first week on Cambridge and feel great! I have read your diary from start to today and you are such a huge inspiration! You have done AMAZING and should be so proud and that sheer determination you have shown over the months will keep you going until Xmas and get you to your goal :)

i am excited about seeing quickly results and just hope that I can do half as well as you have ..... Think I may even start a diary on here! X
RWroe said:
Hi Angel. I have just completed my first week on Cambridge and feel great! I have read your diary from start to today and you are such a huge inspiration! You have done AMAZING and should be so proud and that sheer determination you have shown over the months will keep you going until Xmas and get you to your goal :)

i am excited about seeing quickly results and just hope that I can do half as well as you have ..... Think I may even start a diary on here! X

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it.
Cambridge has changed my life :)
Good luck with your journey, this place is amazing for support, questions and answers or for generally just letting off steam.
Keep us all posted as its great for all if us to feel part if the Cambridge community x x x
Just a quickie as day 3 almost ends, another 100% day and feeling super excited at the prospect of a great weigh in next weekend.
I know the next few days are crucial and its around day 3 to 5 where I have been stumbling the last few weeks.
I'm currently at work and have had the pleasure of meeting X factors Tulisa this evening and she is TINY, another good reason to keep on track if you pardon the pun with my job lol. I do get to meet all sorts if people and feeling good is essential.
I want to feel how I did in Aug and feel back on top of the world,
I know with the support and kind words from you all and this place I have a far better chance of getting back to where I want to be x x x
OK Angel and now it's day 4. You can get through this and tomorrow and you'll be back to measuring weeks and lbs and not days and ketosis. Start drinking that green tea!
Yes Angel you can do this. DO NOT cave in because you WILL FEEL S HIT!! I make no apologies for sounding harsh!! I do not want you to fail and moreover YOU DO NOT WANT TO FAIL!! Get through the next two days and ketosis will be firmly in place and you will feel fab. Keep busy distracted etc. Remember the food will be there for another time. Tell your brain is isn't deprivation you are choosing not to have it! x
Thanks Tizzy and Kira,

Kira you are so right.................I used to think like that so need to focus like that again, I can have food if I want it bit Im chosing not to as I know how much better I feel with the right choice.
Day 4 going good so far, 1 shake down and a mug of green tea, few bottles of water to drink before I go to work, 2 shakes ready to take with me and day 5 will be here before I know it :D

Thanks again girls, feeling much better already x x x
Hey there! Day 4 behind you and onto Day 5. By now you should be in ketosis and feeling no pain. :)