Annoyed with myself now!


Full Member
Refused to feel guilty about eating out yesterday on day 3 as had been so sick and TOTM but really kicking myself now! I was nicely in ketosis on day 2 due to lack of carbs pre day 1 but am well and truly not in it now and I'm starving! Never started a diet on a Saturday in my life but didn't want to use yesterday as an excuse to pig out all weekend.
Come back quickly ketosis, I'm sorry for eating pasta :)
Don't worry you'll be in ketosis again in no time! What's done is done just put it behind you and carry on:)
Think it's coming back already! I only had lunch on Friday (though it was literally a plate full of carbs!) so hoping I didn't do too much damage. Woke up this morning and I'm not hungry and the funny taste in my mouth is coming back - not full force though so will check with a ketostick tomorrow morning and keep my fingers crossed