Another newbie!


Full Member
Hi All

I've ordered a bumper pack today!

Have previously done Slimming World when I first ever dieted back in 1998 and got down to 9st 10lbs. But I was only 20 at the time and the weight crept back on. I was 15st 10lbs when I started All About W8 back in 2009 and managed to stick to that for around 3 months and finished it off just plain calorie counting and got back to a size 12 a few months later.

Managed to keep it off and stayed size 12 for around 2 years - until Oct last year. Ever since then it's just crept back on and I've gone back to my old eating habits.

So looked online this morning and knew I couldn't do All About W8 again as tried it last year and hated it! So noticed Exante and for the price I thought I'd give it a go. Will be starting next weekend and have around 3stone to lose before our holiday to Florida on Sep 22nd so gives me 3 months which I'm hoping I can do.

Let's hope I can stick to it - just need to keep reminding myself why I'm doing this!
:welcome2: to your exante journey, i hope you find it easy just remember to drink plenty of water, why not look on the diaries page you will find loads of support and motivation xx GOOD LUCK !
Go for it!!

I'm restarting again today and hope to stick to it this time as my weight is starting to creep up again :(

We're off to Florida in October so have a similar time line :) Ideally want to lose 2st to be able to get in the clothes I wore there last year! I'm afraid once I'm on holiday I tend to eat what I want and that's dangerous out there lol!

Best of luck to us all x
Thank you I am starting in the morning, this forum is fantastic so much support and advice it's fab. Good luck to all starters and re starters we can do this.