Any advice would be a real help!!


New Member
Hi everbody,

I'm new to this site. Having lost weight on weightwatchers about 2 years ago I have now put it all back on but still continue to eat rubish!
You know the saying "I eat because i'm unhappy... and i'm unhappy because I eat"... thats how I feel at the moment but I have no motivation at all and everytime I go back on my diet its broken again within 24 hours! I'm a terrible snacker but more savoury than anything so it gets to about 8 o clock in the evening and the crisps come out! are there any really low point savoury snacks that are filling?

Is there anything anyone can suggest to boost motivation? I've done it before so I can do it again but I keep using the old... I'll start on Monday excuse!

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Kelli :confused:
Hey kelli

My tip too you is too become addicted to tracking everything you put in your mouth. Enjoy sitting down in the evening and writing your food diary out.

I some times slip when I don't have my diet food so make sure you keep stocked up ! Have your own cupboard with your little treats of low point foods !

Don't deprive yourself either otherwise your slip !

I become a gold member just before my 21st birthday going from 11 stone 8 to 9 stone 4 Im 24 now and crept up again to 10 stone 3 after going to the gym and getting the buz back to losing weight I'm now 9.6

Good luck Becky

Hi Becky,

Wow thats amazing well done! Thats the thing I used to be addicted to the gym and when I was at university I had all my friends to support me and to work out with. Think i need to find a gym buddy! First thing tomorrow morning i WILL go to the gym!

Definately need to start tracking properly... and not cheating :( I guess i'm only cheating myself haha.

Thanks for the advice Becky xx
Hi Kelli Sounds like your describing me lol Im a calorie counter so Im afraid Im not much help regarding ww but I sometimes go for popcorn instead of crisps and they fill me up for longer. Theres 135 cals in a 30g bag of manhattan popcorn and I know theyre very salty but they would be ok for an occasional treat. I had no motivation when I started a few weeks ago but I read some success stories on here and that helped so much. Best of luck with your weight loss xx