any doctors


i seriously swear i am up 2 no good !
help! for the last few weeks my face has be going bright red for no apparent reason my work colllegues seem to think it could be an allergic reaction but i just dont know what it could be , i have not eat or done anything different any suggestions ? thanks
Do you also feel hot when you go red? Don't know how old you are, so forgive me if I am putting my foot in it, but could it be hot flushes?
If you suddenly begin to feel hot and 'sweaty' , all over and red faced too, then that is a sign of hot flushes, but of course it does depend on your age.
i would suggest a trip to the GP - best to get it checked over....x

Im sure its Roseacea or as previously mentioned 'hot flushes' - have you introduced anything to your diet recently?
