Any fitbit users?


Full Member
I am looking for fitbit friends to help motivate us in 2013. I have had mine since September but until last week got out of habit of using. I do find I move more with it like taking extra journeys to put laundry away etc. I am plain liz on fitbit and babaliz38 on mfp.
Happy new year
Hi Liz

Yes, I am a regular Fitbit user and also use MFP (see link below my avatar). AnnyaSB on both - please feel free to add me. I have had my Fitbit about 8 months now and feel quite naked without it now!

I have a desk-based job and I find my Fitbit really helps keep me on the move. I aim for 5500 steps and 10 stairs a day Monday to Friday which is a realistic goal on a work day (I work from home so I don't even get the opportunity to add some steps commuting etc) and my weekend goal is 10000 steps and 25 stairs. I try to walk at least a mile every day using Leslie Sansone's workouts which helps too - she even has a 5 minute "quickie" which you can do beside your desk - 4 of those a day adds up to a mile