Any ladies slimming down to TTC no.1?

hiya guys im also doing slimming world to concieve....i was 17 stone 4 at my heaviest and got down to 13.7 last summer i am now at 14 stone 3 and need to get my cycle to 32 days again ( its now at about 40) its so fustrating as as soon as i put a bit of weight on my periods get longer and further apart....all i want is a little baby and wont even go to my doctors until my Bmi is 29 xxx good luck girls xx

I'm new here, ttc to conceive no 1 :)

I have PCOS, currently on metforming - which hasn't been helping with weightloss at ALL!
Welcome :) I have recently been taken off metformin by my fertility specialist I'm currently 2 stone away from treatment
Congratulations Katiebaby. Did your FS say why you were to come off Met? What treatment will you be having when you reach goal? I have an appointment at the end of may with my new FS - and I suspect I will be offered Clomid, but need to get my BMI down to 30. It's currently 41.5 *cries*

I am trying to find some resources online - so a list of things to eat in each stage so I can understand and fully follow Dukan properly, without spending ££s (All my ££s will need to be saved for any treatment we need as we will have to no doubt self fund!)
BlondeFluff said:
Congratulations Katiebaby. Did your FS say why you were to come off Met? What treatment will you be having when you reach goal? I have an appointment at the end of may with my new FS - and I suspect I will be offered Clomid, but need to get my BMI down to 30. It's currently 41.5 *cries*

I am trying to find some resources online - so a list of things to eat in each stage so I can understand and fully follow Dukan properly, without spending ££s (All my ££s will need to be saved for any treatment we need as we will have to no doubt self fund!)

She told me that there are new studies suggesting it doesn't help at all.... The only thing that has helped me is weight loss after a gaff by another stupid fs who gave me clomid when I was 17.5 stone it didn't work obviously and now I can't try again... She has said if I get down to 35 BMI I can pay £800 a cycle for injections or I can have them free at 30 BMI I am currently 33.79 BMI according to my wii.....

I tried Dukan but just couldn't stick with it....I now to a meal replacement called slim and save and it's consistently coming off... I wish you all the best with your weight loss and your fertility journey xx
I have been TTC No1 for 3.5 years now. I have PCOS and the majority of symptoms that come along with it. I'm on 1500mg Metformin, had 7 rounds of Clomid and I am now trying yet again to lose weight. I am on the Cambridge Weight Plan and that is the only thing that works for me. My next meeting with the FS is on the 3rs July and I will be down to the weight they want me to be so I can get put forward for IVF. Baby dust to you all!
I have PCOS and have been TTC for 8-9 years.

3 miscarriages later and I was referred for fertility testing in 2009. I ended up being discharged from the clinic until my BMI was lower than 35 due to us needing to be referred for IVF as hubbys swimmers are also a bit rubbish! Alongside PCOS, it doesn't look like we can conceive naturally.

I have been fighting depression/anxiety for the last few years, but finally plucked up the courage to join SW 9 weeks ago. Best thing I did in a long time, because not only is my weight coming down, but my depression is finally lifting and I'm not having anywhere near as many panic attacks :D

I've tried metformin in the past (prescribed by my GP) and it didn't work for me (weight wise or fertility wise). Hopefully losing the weight combined with IVF will work for us!

Good luck with this ladies! I hope we all have our miracle babies in the not too distant future!
Hi there

I am brand new to this site and like yourself I am trying to conceive baby number 1. I have had alot of problems with PCOS. In 2009 I had a very large cyst on my left ovary and that was removed through surgery. 9 months later there were another 2 cysts (one on each ovary) , again those were removed and unfortunatley I was diagnosed a year later with another cyst on my left ovary. I had that one removed and at the same time, the ovary and fallopian tube was removed. I have always had problems with my periods. I am never regular. They tend to be every 38-44 days, I have tried the ovulatiion kits aswell to see if I am ovulating and they have never came up with anything. I have asked the dr to try me on the clomid tablets but they said no as consultant is not willing to until I loose the weight. I was told that I have 6 months to loose 5 stone. I know that is probably do-able but I am scared that I have been gvn a target by them that I am going to fail. I have also had my gallbladder out in June and have been suffering alot from abdominal pain recently. I am diabetic and been gvn medication for that aswell. I am like a walking disaster and I hate it :-( All I want is a baby and it just isnt hapn !!!!! I could cry :cry:

Thanks for listening to my rant
Debz xx
Hi all, I'm no longer ttc as I'm 23 weeks pregnant with baby number one and wanted to share with you all!

I joined slimming world in August 2010 and by jan 2011 had lost 3 stone, my dad sadly passed away and I consequently put 2 stone back on between the January and July through comfort eating! From August to December 2011 I lost 3 stone taking my total to almost 4 stone lost all together I went from 19 stone 5 lbs to 15 stone 8lbs and I found out I was pregnant December 28th :D

I went through fertility dr blood tests scans everything they said i had pcos for 2 years but after losing 2 stone i didnt have it anymore and they told me apart from a partially blocked tube all I needed to do was lose weigh which was in November. After they said that I thought fine I will concentrate on weight loss and not ttc and I fell pregnant only a month later!

I think if your struggling and the dr keeps telling you to lose weight it becomes very frustrating but I would throw everything you can into losing weight and getting your bmi under 30 and if it's not happened naturally by then go to the fertility Dr, by going back all the time when your weight is still high its disheartening and can have the opposite effect by making you feel depressed, i feel like I wasted 2 years of my life and 2 years of nhs money and time going to them when they couldn't do anything. If he had said what he said to me in November 2 years ago I might have lost weight faster and just relaxed a bit.

I know how hard it is when all you want is a baby and everyone around you seems to pop them out like nobody's business but if you can harness all that into your weight loss you can be happy that you are doing everything you possibly can to help the process along.

X x x
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Mummy2Bslim said:
Hi all, I'm no longer ttc as I'm 23 weeks pregnant with baby number one and wanted to share with you all!

I joined slimming world in August 2010 and by jan 2011 had lost 3 stone, my dad sadly passed away and I consequently put 2 stone back on between the January and July through comfort eating! From August to December 2011 I lost 3 stone taking my total to almost 4 stone lost all together I went from 19 stone 5 lbs to 15 stone 8lbs and I found out I was pregnant December 28th :D

I went through fertility dr blood tests scans everything they said i had pcos for 2 years but after losing 2 stone i didnt have it anymore and they told me apart from a partially blocked tube all I needed to do was lose weigh which was in November. After they said that I thought fine I will concentrate on weight loss and not ttc and I fell pregnant only a month later!

I think if your struggling and the dr keeps telling you to lose weight it becomes very frustrating but I would throw everything you can into losing weight and getting your bmi under 30 and if it's not happened naturally by then go to the fertility Dr, by going back all the time when your weight is still high its disheartening and can have the opposite effect by making you feel depressed, i feel like I wasted 2 years of my life and 2 years of nhs money and time going to them when they couldn't do anything. If he had said what he said to me in November 2 years ago I might have lost weight faster and just relaxed a bit.

I know how hard it is when all you want is a baby and everyone around you seems to pop them out like nobody's business but if you can harness all that into your weight loss you can be happy that you are doing everything you possibly can to help the process along.

X x x

Congrats hun that's great xx
lilbit said:
Hi all...

I'm at the very start of my weight loss journey, and just wondering if there's anyone else around at the moment that's slimming down for fertility treatment (or just to improve things the natural way)?

I have PCOS and don't ovulate that often.. In fact my period tracker says I'm over 200 days late for my cycle!! Side note.. I should really get off my lazy butt and ask the dr to induce a bleed.

Anyway, sorry if TMI!! I also have a septate uterus , which means my uterus has a dividing wall (membrane) down the middle that I need to have removed.. Otherwise I'll most likely only ever have miscarriage after miscarriage. Although its totally non invasive they won't do it until my BMI is under 30, and it's now about 45!! EEEEK!!!

I'd love to follow along with anyone else that has TTCing as a motivation.

Good luck on all your journeys!

Hiya :)

Im loosing weight to hopefully boost my chances of conceiving :)

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 and go for check ups at the hospital every 3 months.

Me and my lovely boyfriend have been ttc for a year and a half now but to no avail :-(
Luckily for me he is extremely supportive and understanding and I couldn't ask for anymore tbh.
I do occasionely have a breakdown because it just gets so much and I sometimes feel like a failure as a women, and also feel so bad for him as he wants kiddies and would make an amazing dad. But then I tell myself things could be a million times worse. :)

I take provera once every 3 months to induce a bleed as I can't have natural periods. As far as I'm aware I don't ovulate and hence the gynae has told me until I loose weight they won't help me with my fertility problems so I've took the bull by the horns and thrown myself into sw and am having successful weight losses every week.

I get so frustrated at times and I'm not afraid to admit I get a little bitter sometimes especially when I hear people moaning about being pregnant and having children etc, its the most precious thing I can think of and I'd give anything to feel what they are feeling.

Anyway ill shut up now, I'm glad I found this thread and look forward to reading everyone's stories x
Hi girls i noticed this topic group, i am doing the exante diet to lose a couple of stones before i ttc. I was told i wouldnt be able to conceive naturally from a young age. I never had periods etc I lost 3 stone in 10 months, started periods, had a lot less hair (legs etc) and became pregnant with my daughter. I know losing weight did all of this, so for all of you trying to lose weight in the hope you will concieve, stay possitive! If you have a healthy weight, you and your baby will be healthy. I put the weight on after having my daughter hence tring to lose weight again. Good luck to you all x
Hello, I'm doing the Cambridge dirt and have lost 18.5lbs in a month because I want to ttc. Unfortunately my insulin resistance has become full blown type 2 diabetes....which only complicates things further. I am currently insert the at risk obstetrics team who I have only seen once, but have a subsequent appointment in June.

I am planning on getting to 10st 10 and getting my bmi down to 23 and bloods to remain at current levels, because this diet has got them right down to a healthy 5 on average.

It's true what you say...everyone of my friends is popping out baba's as easily as picking up a mars bar! I am happy for them, but it does give you that sad ache in your tummy when the next one announces a pregnancy!

I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 16. I had three periods up until I was 28 when I had a cyst removed from one ovary, then I've had regular period since as I lost some weight after the op. however, I don't ovulate even though I have periods so I'm hoping a big loss and then a sensible low go eating plan will aide conception.

I only have one fallopian tube and ovary as I my tube went into torsion and caused gangrene because the knot it tied itself into had cut off the blood to my ovary. The consultant has said that I should not have trouble conceiving as the other one is still working but I do worry.

Your thread does give me hope, coupled with my determination I am hoping after the weight has gone I should be able to conceive.

Thanks for sharing your good news and best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy :) keep us updated!

Kerry xxx
I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about fertility too much, but I've heard that a lower weight can be much better for the baby. That's why I'm trying to slim a bit before I start having kids. It seems like something that would be helpful for the health of the baby.
Hi and welcome, yes im slimming down to ttc number 1 :) im using the cambridge diet and so far ive lost 9 pounds, i really want to get a bmi below 25 before i think of trying :) good luck everybody we can do it :) x

I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about fertility too much, but I've heard that a lower weight can be much better for the baby. That's why I'm trying to slim a bit before I start having kids. It seems like something that would be helpful for the health of the baby.

I'm similar to both of you. Have made myself a rule that we cannot start TTC until my BMI is <25.

& again not so much a fertility thing but my job has scared me stupid about all the things that can go wrong in foetal development, pregnancy & childbirth - so it seems inappropriate for me to not fix a risk factor that I can.

If anyone wants motivational stories EDIT: Then google yourself for potential weight related complications.
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Guinevere said:
I'm similar to both of you. Have made myself a rule that we cannot start TTC until my BMI is <25.

& again not so much a fertility thing but my job has scared me stupid about all the things that can go wrong in foetal development, pregnancy & childbirth - so it seems inappropriate for me to not fix a risk factor that I can.

If anyone wants motivational stories of gestational diabetes, early C-sections, inabillity to get epidurals in because of subcutaneous fat distorting back anatomy, inability to get drips in for emergency treatment because of hiding veins under fat - let me know... :p

That was my intention but I did get pregnant while still overweight and I'm having no issues or complications, my pregnancy is running smoother than my two healthy cousins who have bmi under 25 and both DO have complications, I wouldn't change it for the world.
I have 2 friends who both have a bmi of over 35 and both sailed through their pregnancies without a problem, however, I also have a friend who is very slim and the perfect weight and she has had numerous problems, dilemmas and finally had a healthy pregnancy this year, I think its definitely better to be healthy for you and your baby, but if I were to conceive at the weight I am now I would be beyond ecstatic and elated! You can be the most fittest and healthiest person around and still be plighted by problems x
That was my intention but I did get pregnant while still overweight and I'm having no issues or complications, my pregnancy is running smoother than my two healthy cousins who have bmi under 25 and both DO have complications, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Lucky you - hope it continues to go smoothly.

... but as I said as a modifiable 'risk factor' it's not something I could let myself intentionally do. :)
I don't think weight is always an indication of a persons health I am overweight but have no health problems at all, I've been to the dr perhaps three times in 15 years. Before my pregnancy I attended dance classes 4 hours a week, swimming everyday and the gym three days a week. I also walked my dog an hour a day. Yes I'm fat but I'm not unhealthy and before I fell pregnant I was losing 3 to 5 lbs a week. I got overweight thanks to university and that freedom of 24 hour boozing and cooking for yourself for the first time I didn't know how to look after myself properly and I gained 5 stone but even then I was exercising everyday I lived above a gym and the reward for an hours gym was the jacuzzi!

My midwife has classed me as low risk despite my bmi being 38 and I'm not under a consultant, she actually weighed me as she didn't believe I was as heavy as I said she thought I was three stone lighter than I am!