Any point in ordering vegetables?


Full Member
It seems any time I'm out and try to order vegetables they come dripping in oil or butter. I usually say but listing no butter, no oil, no salad cream and no dressing makes you look really annoying. Sometimes I think I'd have been better getting the chips and enjoying them
I would send them back if they were sent with dressings or butter after asking for them plain. I have problems with this as I have gut problems which flares up if I eat too much fat so its something I do pull them up on
It doesn't matter if you appear to be annoying. You are paying, you are the customer, you should get what you want, or send it back.
I went to the pub and changed the sides from the meal I choose to a meal I preferredthe sides off, also asking for sides seperately lol ;) I just laughed about and said diet!!
I think its wrong to serve veg in butter or oil without advertising it anyway. I would have sent it back.
I had to ask the waiter to take my entire order back the other day cause it came with onion rings instead of the vegetables.
I was really polite about it and smiled :)

As long as you are polite I think you'll be okay :) x