Any tips for a restarter?


I have posted in a couple of threads regarding my dieting history so I won't bore you all again with it.

Please can you send me any hints and tips to help me restart. I have tried a couple of times but this time needs to be it. Otherwise I am seriously considering weight loss surgery and that can only be a last resort! Due to the invasivness of it and the sheer cost.

As I am at the heaviest I have ever been I have the motivation of having no clothes that fit me and feeling the extra weight when I try and do stuff.

Thanks in advance

Bec x :wave_cry:
i first started cd last year, and had many a restart. i did a good few weeks ssing then broke it and that was it :rolleyes: i was a disaster. so this jan 2009 i am restarting with the same motivation i had last jan and i know the secret DO NOT BREAK IT. everyone told me oh its so ard but did i listen NO and they were right it is soo hard! make sure and come on here for support even if you just wanna chat or what ever, have baths go bed early all that stuff anything but go to the presses or fridge!

Becky xxx sorry not much help but didnt wanna read and not reply xxxx
I am restarting today - with the added problem that my mother has taken it upon herself to come over every evening and go for a walk with me ... a loooooooooooong walk....which in the first few days of this diet isnt easy! .... I havent told my mum that i am doing this diet as she wouldnt approve.. although I am 32 (lol) I cant and dont want to get into it with her... came back tonight feeling very sick.. think I will just need to make an excuse ... good luck with your restart
firstly, well done for deciding to give it another go. It is true, the first time is the easiest and I still cant work out why exactly! But, i really believe that once you get into the swing of things and the first few weeks pass by it gets easier. Also, by then you are losing and can get motivation from trying on smaller sizes! I used to go to the shops every few weeks or so and just try things on (never bought anything until i reached goal! lol) but it gave me loads of motivation seeing that i was dropping sizes so quickly.
Also, post on here regularly and hook up with a diet buddy - daily texts to eachother are a great way of getting thru those sticky moments.
The only tips I can give you hun are stick with it 100%. Don't let your mind con you into thinking you NEED to come off (cos you don't, but that little person inside your head will be telling you that you do). Stick with it, 100%, by the book, and you will not be disappointed. Try and avoid planning/attending social occasions that revolve around food or drink, at least until you feel strong enough to sit there and abstain when others are indulging. Drink plenty of water, as it fills you up, keep busy so you don't have time to think about food, and get plenty of sleep!! I find I sleep loads when on CD, often going to bed earlier stops me wanting to pick.

Good luck hun!

Oh and Jodie, if you need a buddy... I'm game!! xxx
The best advice I could give is to go into it with a really positive attitude and enjoy the whole thing - I know this may sound mad but if you see it as a positive choice that you have made to change your life it somehow makes it easier. Believe in yourself!
