any tips on drinking water ?

Pink starz

Sexy abs....sooon !
hey everyone, well i about to begin once again.

I finding that i start great but after a week or two i get sick (so far had flu/cold/2virus/coldsores/mouth ulcers/tonsilitus). after talking to my chemist she thinks it might have something to do with only managing 2litres of water a day.

I find it really difficult to drink anymore than this do you have any top tips to get me downing it???
Hi hun, warm water maybe?
I personally also struggled with water so i made my choc shakes with 20oz of water as opposed to 8oz! I built it up by the way so it wasnt tasteless! this really helped me as its a big difference xxx Oh and lots of ice x
Try drinking it out of a bottle with a spout or through a straw...seems to go down in no time x I hated water and never drank it before LT ...But now just seems so natural...hopefully with summer coming up it will make it easier for you
I drink fizzy water as it's more of a "drink" and I love it. Also buying the bottles helps me keep a check on how much I'm drinking. I also drink lots of redbush tea, no caffeine, and very healthy. I always have a drink of water on my desk when I'm working, and a bottle to top it up. It's just a matter of getting into the habit.
thanks i guess it is just building the habit of it but sometimes i just feel like violet from charlie in the chocolate factory except with water and no purpleness, sorry i a bit mental tonight think its excitment believe it or not i am actually looking forward to my vanilla latte LOL

think ill start off with 3 litre bottles in the fridge and try n work my way down, think the warm water might work for me tracy as i never feel like i am drinking if i having something hot/warm x
i think i gonna be on here constantly for the next week to get back into ketosis....i will apolgise just now for the emotional rollercoaster i go on, feel free to kick me up the ass if needed LOL
i tried soakin a bit of vanilla pod in some water,i found ot quite tasty, needs to be soaked for a while thow xxlol
Good luck hun, you can do it though xx
thanx tracy, you know this is the only place where everyone is really supportive even if you screwed up in the past... i really helps me as normally i would feel like a failure and not bother trying again

thank you everyone
i tried soakin a bit of vanilla pod in some water,i found ot quite tasty, needs to be soaked for a while thow xxlol

Hate to tell you, but LT told me vanilla pod is a no-no. I was drinking redbush tea flavoured with vanilla and rang to check if it was OK, and it was not. I was well peeved.
Ooops! I agree pink hun! The support is fab and we all need it xx
just be positive xx
Hate to tell you, but LT told me vanilla pod is a no-no. I was drinking redbush tea flavoured with vanilla and rang to check if it was OK, and it was not. I was well peeved.
i am a bit now thanx thow lukily i only had it the oncexxx
Hi hun, warm water maybe?
I personally also struggled with water so i made my choc shakes with 20oz of water as opposed to 8oz! I built it up by the way so it wasnt tasteless! this really helped me as its a big difference xxx Oh and lots of ice x

Tract, what do you mean you build it up?