Anybody watch Secret Eaters?


Silver Member
It's on Channel 4 on a Thursday. I didn't realise it was on so I've spent a couple of days watching online to catch up. In the past, I would have been guilty. x
Yes I love it, so true though. I'm a secret eater but with money I look at my bank convinced someone been taking from it totally forgetting the shopping, the petrol the clothes I just brought.
Love watching secret eaters! Thought the woman last week was in complete denial. She admitted it in the end, but she still kept blaming her husband! I would have been like that a few years ago, it was all my husbands fault, I was cooking what he liked and put all the weight on, blah blah! But he never forced the food into my mouth!

I love all the little experiments too!
I've just put it on series defo guilty of this....not half has bad as I was last year though....last year was stressfull!
Who watched this weeks??? I loved how well they had done :)

The science was a bit boring this week tho! Xx
The first season and a few of this season's are on 4oD guys if you have missed any :) x
I did think the 2 sisters came across as silly when you eat out most nights eating biscuits all the time going to buy chocolate all the eating them 2 did I really couldnt understand how they didnt know they were getting heavier.