Anyone been to Overeaters Anonymous?

Hi everyone. I've been struggling with my weight or more accurately, my binge eating issues, for years and I can't seem to get control of these issues. I've tried every diet going with no success and I've been thinking of giving Overeaters Anonymous a go. Can anyone tell me of their experiences with OA?

Thanks :)
Hi! Sorry I can't be of much help but ill be Interested to see what people say about this, as I have also toyed with the idea of it but if I'm honest I don't know too much about it.
I haven't been myself but an acquaintance has with great long term results. She offered to support me 'sponsor' ias it were butvim not in that head space yet. She kindly gave me a copy of there steps and it does make good reading if you can get a copy
Just stumbled on this post and what a coincidence I actually attended a meeting at the b/mouth group many many years ago.

I found it quite uncomfortable to be honest and knew it wasn't for me.
At the start of the meeting you stood up one at a time, said your name and that you were an overeater, then the person went around the group and each individual gave a run down of their week. We were clapping people who had managed to not make themselves sick or only been sick say 2 times that week. There were a lot of people who obviously suffered bulimia. I am not one of them and really just love food and tend to eat too much.
I vaguely remember at the end of the meeting holding hands in a circle and they all sang a song.

If you think it might help you it's worth just going along to a meeting it wasn't for me but judging by the size of the group it's obviously beneficial to some.

It used to be in a building at the back of the YMCA in b/mouth can't remember the name of the road that runs at the back of westover road.

Hope you find something to help xxx
i used to attend years ago. I Had been in a treatment centre for alcohol and food addiction. At the time these sort of 12 step groups helped me a lot as I was only 17 and just needed to be with others in same situation. I felt safe in these groups but I have never been able to accept my food problems so stopped going as just wasn't able to accept emotional changes I needed to make. I am glad to hear these groups are still about as the groups I attended were always small as not many people had heard of OA. I think like AA they have open meetings where you can attend and listen to what happens in group. Every group is run differently so you would need to go to see if it was for you.
hope I helped alittle