Weird request I know 
I want my choir to perform a piece at Christmas in sign language as a surprise for a deaf lady who will be attending.
I'm okay on most of it, but stuck on a few words. Anyone use it here? I'm assuming BSL is the main one used?
I've search the BSL online dictionaries, but they haven't got some of these words. I guess my best bet would be to see what our main library can offer, but I thought I'd ask here first.
Pierce?? Anyone??
I want my choir to perform a piece at Christmas in sign language as a surprise for a deaf lady who will be attending.
I'm okay on most of it, but stuck on a few words. Anyone use it here? I'm assuming BSL is the main one used?
I've search the BSL online dictionaries, but they haven't got some of these words. I guess my best bet would be to see what our main library can offer, but I thought I'd ask here first.
Pierce?? Anyone??