anyone lack ur speed


Full Member
I just had two meals without any speed I like my veg and salad but it was really nice and my midday breakfast done really have any normal veg. Scrambled egg bacon and beans there isn't any speed and I don't like mushrooms and Tom's so what do I do? I'm not bothered about fruit
I think the 1/3rd speed food is just about trying to control your portions. One of the arguments against SW is people saying they had no idea how to reduce their portions to a 'normal' size when some foods are free, so 1/3rd speed food was introduced to help guide you. I don't have speed food on every single meal, but I have quite small portions so it's controlled naturally by my appetite.

I have seen (in the past) people saying things like, "I had a huge baked potato, can of beans, whole pack of pasta in sauce and tub of lf cottage cheese for lunch...", so you can see why it was introduced, although I don't think it would stop some people as they'd just add an apple and orange to the list and call it their speed. ;)

SW can only guide you, you have to try to interpret it to suit you, and as long as you're losing weight, missing off the mushrooms now and again won't harm. x