Anyone want to join me in a 10 wk challenge?

Hi everyone. Well done on all your fab losses. I hope you don't mind me joining late but end of july is also my goal date so I can go shopping for my holiday on 1st August. I still need to lose 17lbs so roughly 3lbs a week.

OrbitalSea - 0st 5lb off 1st 3lb to go

Jimmy's girl - 0st 5lb off 1st 2lb to go

samsdoingit- ost 6.5 off 7.5lb to go

sezkamcc - 0st 8lb off 0st 13lb to go

ainecaine - 0st 0lbs off 1st 5lbs to go

Sausage - 0st 0lbs off 1st to go

Sparklezz - 1lbs off 1st to go

Kaz3804 - 6lbs off 1st 4lbs to go

Maria2206 - 1lbs off - 13lb to go

amstewart002 - 17lbs to go
Hi everyone. Well done on all your fab losses. I hope you don't mind me joining late but end of july is also my goal date so I can go shopping for my holiday on 1st August. I still need to lose 17lbs so roughly 3lbs a week.

OrbitalSea - 0st 5lb off 1st 3lb to go

Jimmy's girl - 0st 5lb off 1st 2lb to go

samsdoingit- ost 6.5 off 7.5lb to go

sezkamcc - 0st 8lb off 0st 13lb to go

ainecaine - 0st 0lbs off 1st 5lbs to go

Sausage - 0st 0lbs off 1st to go

Sparklezz - 1lbs off 1st to go

Kaz3804 - 6lbs off 1st 4lbs to go

Maria2206 - 1lbs off - 13lb to go

amstewart002 - 17lbs to go

Welcome amstewert002! :)

I lost 1lb this week. Didn't have a great week, so I'm happy with that. I am thinking of lowering my target a bit though, as can't see me cracking it! x

OrbitalSea - 0st 6lb off 1st 2lb to go

Jimmy's girl - 0st 5lb off 1st 2lb to go

samsdoingit- ost 6.5 off 7.5lb to go

sezkamcc - 0st 8lb off 0st 13lb to go

ainecaine - 0st 0lbs off 1st 5lbs to go

Sausage - 0st 0lbs off 1st to go

Sparklezz - 1lbs off 1st to go

Kaz3804 - 6lbs off 1st 4lbs to go

Maria2206 - 1lbs off - 13lb to go

amstewart002 - 17lbs to go
Another 1lb this last week so 2lbs off and 12 to go. Slow going for me but as long as its going I'm happy.
Another 1lb off for me! Yeah!
Well done peeps! HOw have we all been this week? I got 4lbs off. YEAH!!! Makes up for my 2.5lb gain last week lol. (It looks like I forgot to share that lol) Just 3 more weigh ins for me to my mini goal date. Very unlikely, but I rreckon I can get close enough to be happy by the end of July hopefully. Even if I don't do it, I have just 4lbs to go to get my 3st award and just 3lbs for the next weight bracket. I will be so happy with that!!! :) x

Please remember to copy and paste and edit yours if you can, so we can keep track. I add them in when I can, but might miss the odd one out accidentally x

OrbitalSea - 0st 7.5lb off 1st 0.5lb to go

Jimmy's girl - 0st 5lb off 1st 2lb to go

samsdoingit- ost 6.5 off 7.5lb to go

sezkamcc - 0st 8lb off 0st 13lb to go

ainecaine - 0st 0lbs off 1st 5lbs to go

Sausage - 0st 0lbs off 1st to go

Sparklezz - 2lbs off 12st to go

Kaz3804 - 7lbs off 1st 3bs to go

Maria2206 - 1lbs off - 13lb to go

amstewart002 - 17lbs to go
Hi ya, really sorry been moving house so haven't updated this week! I lost another 1.5lbs this week so that's a total of 8.5lbs lost! So 9.5lbs to go (of my 18lb goal!) It's gonna be very tough to meet the challenge as we have a holiday week too! But i'll give it a good go!! Could someone please update me as I'm on my phone and it doesn't work :( thank you!