Well done BL, FF, Puggso and bookworm u all have done great


Im back on track 2day and bought some meal bars the weekend instaed having all shakes

:wow:Congratulations on your amazing losses this week FF and BL you should be really chuffed with yourselves.

Good luck with the bars louise, I normally have mine with a cuppa as they can be quite chewy.

Congratulations on all the losses! I had a bit of a shocker for the weekend but lucky weigh in isnt until Wednesday so hopefully with some excerceise I can counteract all the badness!
thanks ugg, i quite enjoyed it was a change from a shake
I love the meal bars Louise. Sometimes, just to ring the changes, I'll have half a meal bar and half a shake or soup and the other halves later.
A gain this week for me :( Ive been so good excercise wise with riding to work everyday! Obviously the small slips on the weekend were worse than I thought!
Hi Sattsy,
Did you do your measurements this week? Don't forget muscle mass does weigh more than fat. You may have lost inches through the exercise especially with cycling. Its a great cardio workout and good at burning calories so I would guess thats what has happened.
Well done with the exercise and fingers crossed for a loss next week
BL x
Thanks BL that thought does make it a little less annoying! I just cant seem to get under 85kg and stay there! :sigh:
It must be frustrating for you Sattsy. Apart from the exercise is there any other way of stepping up the diet just to get yourself past this little plateau? Healthier snacks or less snacks? Change when you have your meal? Drink more water? Vary shakes with meal bars/soups. I was in a bit of a 2lb rut and last week dropped a snack a day and upped my exercise and lost 3lb instead.

I joined slimfast because I had plateaued and I know how frustrating it can be because I was the same weight for about 2 months and it was really disheartening.

Good luck with getting under that dreaded 85kg and staying there!!!
BL x

1ib loss for me this week and i'll feel like i'm in the rut everybody is talking about!
FF did you reduce you cal intake to notice a difference at all this week? I need to try something to help boost the weight loss.

Hi Ugg,
This is the advice I gave FF last week

Hi FF,
You seem to be doing it all right. I would try dropping from 1400ish calories to 1200ish (as recommended by SF if you plateau) and/or try to increase the exercise.

Realistically if your intake is 1200 calories and you do 20minutes cardio exercise a day you should lose 2lbs a week. Since 1lb is equal to 3500 calories, to lose 2lbs that would be 7000 calories per week which is 1000 less per day either through a reduced intake or exercising them off. I don't know if the maths works out in reality but its worth a go!

Good luck
BL x

Whether FF tried that or not I'm not sure but if I were you I would try to aim for the 1200 calories plus exercise. I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly on SF website) that you need 150 less calories per stone lost. So as you lose weight you need to reduce your calories accordingly. If you look back on this thread to about a week ago there was lots of good advice from different people so you might get some ideas there.

I think a few people are in a bit of a rut and its probably just our bodies are used to the diet. Puggso is trying the same intake without the shakes and got a good loss.

If I were you I would work out my calories intake and see if you can reduce it to around 1200 calories. Apart from that increase exercise and drink lots of water.

Don't forget women also have to contend with dreaded bloating and water weight at that time of the month plus hormonal changes which might be affecting losses.

Hope that helps
BL x
Hi Ugg,
Whether FF tried that or not I'm not sure but if I were you I would try to aim for the 1200 calories plus exercise. I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly on SF website) that you need 150 less calories per stone lost. So as you lose weight you need to reduce your calories accordingly. If you look back on this thread to about a week ago there was lots of good advice from different people so you might get some ideas there.

Yeah I did reduce my calories and lost 2lb on Monday rather than 1. This week I have walked every day so am hoping to have a good loss this monday too. Good luck

Take care
Thanks guys, I'm going to try and cut out a snack or maybe 2 and see how i go.
On my bike today and off swimming with the little one tomorrow so fingers crossed for next week xx
Good luck Ugg. I hope it works and you get a nice loss next week. Swimming is good for burning calories and tones you up as opposed to building muscle mass so don't forget to do those measurements

BL x
This week Im sticking to the 600 cal dinners and have swapped the Ryvita snacks for fruit. I think part of my weight problem is not getting enough roughage and getting clogged (sorry to be so gross!) I have also upped the water I have a terrible diet coke habit so am saving the diet coke for when I go out and when home water. As for the excercise this week is week one of my serious triathlon training and I have a 5km run first weekend of May so hopefully next week I will see the scales move the way they are supposed to!
That'll do it Ugg! Sometimes too, our bodies get used to a particular diet or regime and a few days doing something different kick starts the weight loss. I'm not suggesting a big mac and fries, but having the same amount of calories, but in a different way may help? I know in the past it's helped me and then when I've gone back on the diet proper I've started losing again . Apologies if I'm not making much sense... Our labrador had a 'liason' with our Jack Russell a few weeks back and the pups were born last night, so hubby and I have been up all night. If you are interested: Mum - Jack Russell, dad (in disgrace but very proud) black lab, pups 6 beautiful!
Congratulations on the new pups bookworm :)