aren't kids lovely

My gorgeous 7 year old said to me, ' You're not fat Mummy. A bit overweight like all really old people, but not fat!'.

She also asked me why my boobs fell down when I took my underwear off.

thats a classic, nearly wet myself laughing.x
:8855::8855::8855::8855: Best laugh I have had for a while. Thank you.

Glad you lot think it's funny. I nearly shouted at ehr that it was her and her sister's fault for insisting in hanging off them for the first year of their life each. In the end I opted for telling her that that is what happens to all real women, and that it is the best, womanly, and real thing to happen. Not false and plastic like all those awful airbrushed pictures she sees. Time will tell if she'll believe me!!
Glad you lot think it's funny. I nearly shouted at ehr that it was her and her sister's fault for insisting in hanging off them for the first year of their life each. In the end I opted for telling her that that is what happens to all real women, and that it is the best, womanly, and real thing to happen. Not false and plastic like all those awful airbrushed pictures she sees. Time will tell if she'll believe me!!

The saying is "A parents best revenge is a grandchild!"
Kids can be cruel - but they can also be incredibly sweet. I'm never very good at taking compliments about anything, and am generally disbelieving, but the ones from children are a lot easier to deal with.
I caught one girl talking about me as I came round the corner yesterday as she said "miss davis is a very pretty lady". Lol. We both blushed when she saw me, but it made my day. Awww.
Atleast it was a kid and not an adult, as an adult would be (in theory) have been able to identify a real baby bump.. some kids with small mummys will always associate big tummys with pregnancy if they have siblings untill they'r able to know better.

I am sorry this ruined your day hon, have you enjoyed the infant school? I am awaiting to hear about an interview reguarding a job looking after a year4 special needs boy.. *fingers x'd*

This can just be one of your stories you tell when your beautifully slim and telling everyone about your success.

Once i met a girl at a hen do who knew my OH. When she asked me how long we'd been together, her face dropped and she went very quiet. When i asked her what was wrong, she said.
'I'm so sorry, but about a year ago i saw Joe in the huntsman resteraunt with a really big girl with dark hair. They were holding hands'

She thought Joe was cheating on me.

That was me. :eek:

Love this post, makes me smile so much!! You must have felt so good inside. My hubby says he has less body and more wife!!

Well done on your fab loss!!