

Full Member
Can someone reassure me that planning green and red days gets easier once you've done it a few times?! It has literally taken me 3 hours to plan next week's food and I haven't even made the shopping list yet.

I've decided to try a week of green (i've been on EE since november) to see how it affects my losses and my brain is frazzled already! I think I understand it all, it's just thinking of ideas and converting recipes etc.

Please tell me it's not going to take me three hours a week to plan!!!!!

Congratulations on your loss so far Liz you've done really well.

Like you I'm on EE and keep saying I want to try Red and Green but keep shying away from it. I think you get in your comfort zone with EE. Although I keep having a look at it, so far I haven't made the transition, but I totally understand your reservation, especially as it seems to have took so much planning.

However, I'm sure it probably took that long when we first started SW and once you get it into your head it becomes second nature. I hope you get on with it ok and I'd be interested to see if it makes any difference to you weight loss.

Good luck :)
Thank you jeanne. I'm sure you're right. I'm hoping that someone who does green or red will reassure us that it'll get easier (if it does!!). If you want to try green I'm happy to email you my plan for next week if it'll help.
