arrrg...emotional hunger!


Silver Member
Extremely emotionaly hungry just now and I know food isn't the answer but I've eaten today and picked the last couple of days and just can't get back into it. I will, I know i will but coping without food is such a struggle!

Back to the weight i was at this time last year at the end of my first cambridge journey and that fear of the unknown has definately set in. See CDC on Fri and depending how this week goes I might consider moving to 810. This is the lightest weight I've been all of my adult life so maybe it's time to step up the plans instead of getting into the binge starve cycle again.

Hope DS gives me an easy afternoon today and that HB isn't too late home from seeing his new biker friend, (who's a girl, and I'm struggling with that, never had to get used to him having close female friends but as he's very open about her and I'm sure there's nothing to worry about I'll just have to get used to it, would just be alot more easier if I wasn't so bloomin' insecure!)

HB's 30th on Sun, think the best plan would be to start back on SS tomorrow and stick with it.
Hi angela

I know how you feel. Emotional eating is a right bugger lol! I'm on CD for the second time now, well seeing my CDC at 6pm tonight. I lost 5 stone last year, had a wonderful wedding but then had a miscarriage and it turned my emotions inside out. Have really been struggeling but have got to the stage now where I need to stop punishing myself. I've also been living in the 18th century and have only just got the internet lol! so i'm hoping that chatting to other dieters is going to help me.

Anyway be strong and just pretend the shakes actually taste nice lol!

Sorry about the miscarriage, that must've been awful for you.

I know what you mean about not punishing yourself, I think thats what all this self sabotage eating off plan is about. Not thinking Im good enough so eat to make myself feel better, such a viscious (s.p?! ) cycle.