

Full Member
Just want to rant.... My kids and husband are driving me crazy. Have 3 children oldest 14 hubby that works long hrs... Their so lazy they do nothing to help me. All my own doing as I've let them get away with it. They make me so cross, their lovely kids but so damn lazy!!! I work yet still have to do everything. Only thing for it is to go on strike! After I've cleaned the house( most of it their mess ) and cooked 2 lots of different dinners!!! Rant over xxx
Aww sounds horrible hun, wish I had some advice.

Quick question though, why are you cooking two different dinners? X
i cook two different lots of dinners too each night, i know slimming world can be enjoyed by everyone, but my 4 year old and 8 year old are really picky so they have set meals every day with my two eldest its a pain in the arse and more expensive but thats all i can do :/
i cook two different lots of dinners too each night, i know slimming world can be enjoyed by everyone, but my 4 year old and 8 year old are really picky so they have set meals every day with my two eldest its a pain in the arse and more expensive but thats all i can do :/

I would be putting a stop to that too hun, dont create a rod for your own back.

With the eldest give them an ultimatum that on a particular day anything found lying on the floor in their room (for instance) will be binned but you need to be prepared to follow through. And continue to do it until they get the message xx
Well I've just lost it with all of them. I've told them if things don't change they will lose things ie phone contract for eldest, guitar lessons for middle and rainbows for littlen. They all said sorry. And seemed to mean it, time will tell I guess?!!

I always cook two dinners. Hubby doesn't get in till late and sometimes doesn't eat all day so I feel guilty abt hiving him a warmed up dinner. I do use my slow cooker which helps tho. Xx