Artyjoe - from LL to WW - the journey!

Have fallen off the wagon quite dramatically this week, have really 100% had a desperate week and the pressure has been just awful, working from 5.30am until 8.30pm and then going straight to bed...only on Wednesday I rebelled and decided this was no life so skipped my evening meal and went to two glasses of wine and three bars of chocolate! That sent me into a creme egg and dairy milk yesterday and today the minstrels are on the's also TOTM and a full moon and my daughter is sleeping even less at the moment and a 5.30am start is killing me...

Anyway, those are the excuses and I'm fine with them as at the moment I'm using it to get me by...I'll get back on track probably by tomorrow...eating well throughout the day but just going over on not going to beat myself up about it though as that will just add to a crappy week.

Lets hope I won't see a gain on Wednesday as this week i stayed the same...which I expected due to TOTM.

Tomorrow is another day but am going to be nice to myself today and feed my inner child...someone gave me that saying and that sits just nicely at the moment! :)
Oh hunny, that sounds like a really difficult week! I don't know if/how I could cope working hours like that! Especially when you have a daughter to look after as well.

I'm glad you're not beating yourself up about having a blip! It's nowhere near as bad as mine would have been!

Get this week out of the way, and tomorrow you can start again. Do you have to work long hours next week?
Youre doing well so dont let one blip put you off *S* Remember tomorrows another day and a fresh start

Thanks Sandy & Sparkle, today is the day I'm getting back on track. I have gained 3 pounds but deserved it after a pizza last night, just decided to end the binge in style I guess.

I do actually work for myself running a reasonably large home based business, but I lost a manager a few months ago so am doing the job of two at the moment, and obviously with a baby that isn't sleeping, it makes for a very hard time. We are trying to deal with the sleeping issues; gone back to basics, spent a fortune yesterday buying babygrows for a 2 year old, new sheets, thermometers, you name it, we got it, and she did get up at 6am but with only 2 wakes in the night, which is actually progress!

I have started the day with just melon and tea as I'd like to drop a few of those gained pounds before my weigh in on Wednesday, it would be bliss to just weigh the same then i can say I lost 5 pounds in a month...not a huge amount but it would be progress and after doing LL, it would prove that you can eat afterwards...and I need that reassurance.

I have given up on the idea of exercise as there's just no way I can fit it into my schedule at the moment so am just hoping I can get back to the points and start afresh...obviously with an expected blip for Valentines Day, but I hope to cut my points down as that nears.

I am hoping the full moon will head off today, along with TOTM so that my life can be a bit more settled!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend - Joe
Still not doing so well ;-(

Last night I was feeling exceptionally sorry for myself and indulged in wine and chocolate, but almost balanced it out by only having cereal as an evening meal.

Today hubbie bought chocolate, which of course I ate even though I didn't 'really' want it, so now I'm going to go over my points again as I'm already on 19.

I'm finding a bit of a psychological battle going on at the moment as I'm still dog tired due to my daughter not sleeping and working exceptionally long hours...but I think the biggie is my friend started WW on the same day I did and we both weighed in at EXACTLY the same weight and she's already in the 13's and she's lost 10 pounds to my 5 pounds. This is obviously making me think I'm a bit pants at this but still can't seem to get myself motivated, it's dragging me down more than anything. I really don't know why I can't pull myself around but I am really the same time my jeans are absolutely killing me, the waistband is going to leave a permanent mark at this rate..and still I eat, go figure!

Anyway, tomorrow is another day, lets hope it's a more positive one - Joe
Hi Joe,

The first thing I have got to say is not to compare yourself to others as this is futile as losing weight is different for everyone even if we are on the same diet as their is other computations come into it.

You are juggling a lot of balls in the air just now with work and home life and it is a real killer when your not getting enough sleep.

Instead of beating yourself up and focusing on the negatives...switch it around and see how well you are doing given the circumstances and stress your under just now and that 5 lb. weight loss takes on new importance.

With the point system if you do over eat today you can cut back over the course of the week and you can do some walking or exercise to help earn some bonus points.

Your jeans are great for letting you know that excess has been reached and whatever you do, don't put on bigger ones or stretchy trousers:rolleyes: as you will grown into them as well.

Have some sugar free jelly in the fridge and some veggies that you can fill up on. Drinking water works for all diets, not just a vlcd.

Give yourself some time out if you can and be gentle with yourself...

Love Mini xxx
Thanks Mini, sugar free jelly is something I keep meaning to do and will put it on the list to do for tomrorow as I always find Fridays really hard. Have reached 29 points so far so need to claw back 7, doing that on Friday isn't likely but I'm going to try to spread a few out a night until wednesday when i start my week afresh.

Have just got the new WW magazine so am going to look through that for inspiration and change things around a little bit. Unfortuntaely I hate vegetables but I am getting to like more fruit so will be adding plenty to my shopping list.

To be honest I am actually thankful that I lost 5 pounds in January and keep telling myself that if I lose 5 in February that will leave me with only 1 stone to reach my first major's just hard seeing the wood through the trees at the moment. You are right about comparing myself to others; my friend had hypno (as did I but hers worked!) so she doesn't have a chocolate problem any more, unfortuntaely I maintained my sweet tooth doing LL as I lived on chocolate shakes and just can't envisage not having that as part of my diet; i just need to get to hwere I was last month when I only had it once a week! I keep forgetting about the water so will definitely start on that again tomorrow too.

Thanks for your support Mini - Joe
Thanks Starlight, didn't manage to pick up any brownies but got some ice cream and meringue nests so hopefully that will kill the sweet tooth...first time ever that the minstrels didn't go in the trolley so am hopeful for a better day!

Today has been okay so far and am just about to have home made pasta salad, but did pick up a 'food doctor' pitta as they looked exceptionally healthy with seeds etc in, just need to check the points now.

Am going to try to have a rest and watch Ugly Betty and ER from last night so will be nice to sit on my bum without having a computer in front of me :)

Maybe tomorrow I'll try the Latinasize DVD which still hasn't been opened.

Here's to a good weekend - Joe
Still not doing well I'm afraid. Managed to gain the 5 pounds I lost....but...


Sick to death of having my scales tell me what kind of mood I'm going to be in in the was the last straw when I saw 5 pounds gained (knowing obviously this was going to happen as I weigh myself twice a day) so decided I needed to get rid of yet another drug that isn't doing me any good and handed them to hubby who kindly took them to the dump for me!

I have also made an appointment with a herbalist to see if they can give me a tonic to help with the fact I still can't sleep due to my two year old waking several times a night...which she has done every night since birth!

He said he will also do a complementary dietary analysis and a food intolerance test...which I said would be great on the understanding that if he found anything that I was allergic to which happened to be in the ingredients for chocolate, then we were stuffed :)

Still haven't' decided whether to go to the ww class tomorrow as I am eating out on Valentines and am going to try to get back on track, or at least stop binging, on Thursday. I am just wondering if it's a bit too much at the moment with everything else that is going on, but having said that, I also can't afford to put any more weight on catch 22.

hey ho, lets see what tomorrow brings...I'm hoping Thursday will bring a tonic that enables me to have some of my energy back!

Hi Bethany, I haven't lost 51bs, I gained 51bs :-(
Still haven't' decided whether to go to the ww class tomorrow as I am eating out on Valentines and am going to try to get back on track, or at least stop binging, on Thursday. I am just wondering if it's a bit too much at the moment with everything else that is going on, but having said that, I also can't afford to put any more weight on catch 22.

Hi Joe,

Hope you are well!!! I'm finally back in the living and back dieting today. I thought that it might be a bit too much having jet lag and trying to diet all in the same day, but it's working out OK.

Had a bit of a shock as I was up from about 13.7 to 15.0 after 3 weeks of eating junk on the honeymoon, but then I weighed myself this morning and it had gone back to 14.9, which after day one SS'ing will prob jump again tomorrow (fingers crossed anyway!). I lose really fast when I've put it on quickly, so I've set my first goal as getting back to 13.7 which was conviently 10%. And then I'll work on the next 10%!!! This yo-yo is doing my head in, but now the stress is out of the way, hopefully I can work on getting to goal before my new hubby tries to impregnate me!! LOL. Have started a new diary anyway, now I'm no longer a bride to be.

We are going laptop hunting in a bit, so I don't spend all my time in the hallway!!

Sorry to hear that you aren't getting on too well with WW at the moment. I really do not know what to suggest, but I know that you know yourself really well and so probably you are the only one that can really work out what the answer is. You seem to want it sooo much, but then something stops you. Have you identified your triggers? I know mine so well. I seem to have been able to cut them down to only when I'm upset for some reason...the boredom and celebration triggers seem to have lost their hunger...for example tonight, we've had such a lovely honeymoon, we didn't really 'need' to have another romantic night eating, so we've cut that one out. We just got treats instead :) .

I know everyone is different, but like I say you know what your priorities are - perhaps try and identify them and if you like going out for meals or having a takeaway, work it into the plan and treat yourself one day a week - the 90/10 rule? I think WW is alot about planning which if you are busy at work and your daughter is also making you tired, try and get as much food in that is low or no points that you like, but isn't going to sabatoge your progress if you get that urge to binge. Plus, I'd say go to the meeting, even if you know you've put on, try and get some motivation for the week ahead? Also, I don't know if you can exercise before work? Perhaps a 15 min DVD routine in front of the telly before your daughter wakes up or a brisk walk to buy a paper? I always find it's a great help - it gives you that endorphine boost, increases your energy for day and then you think I'm not going to cheat today as I've made an effort to exercise.

Also, sorry to nag, but if you are consistently not eating the type of foods that give you energy - I know that you said some days you try and claw back quite a few points - you are going to feel tired and you do need all the energy that you can get in order to deal with work/children/household. So perhaps try increasing the amount of bananas you eat - or other super foods. And perhaps if you are a chocaholic try buying expensive individually wrapped dark chocolate and just suck one rather than having a whole bar,apparently the higher quality, the better the fix of those coco-sex-equivalent-chemical-hit!! You could always get your hubby to ration it aswell?

Anyway...hope that you soon get happy my love, and that the herbalist can advise you. If that doesn't work, maybe see a nutritionist as well and see if she can develop an eating plan that fits in with your lifestyle.
hi everyone, hope you are well.

Bethany, no probs, just wish it was a loss :)

Starlight: thanks for your support. Getting rid of the scales is weird as I now genuinely don't know whether I have gained or lost, which is actually interesting because if i gained 2 ozs before I would feel, i hope not but i may have gained and have no actual idea so my mood is the same...very strangly liberating...but also a tad frightening as I could be gaining weight by the day!

Lottie: great to hear from you, hope you had a fantastic honeymoon, sounds wonderful! Don't worry about the weight gain, like you say, once you are SSing it falls off you! I just got a new laptop last tuesday, using it now, and it's fab, means i can log on while my daugter is downstairs rather than constantly being in my office...although my typing is pretty horrid on it.

Went to the herbalist and from a lot of questions he belives my insides are static rather than moving, hence my constipation and, far worse, cysts. He also says I have an excess of yeast and a hormonal imbalance...and I only went for a tonic to help me feel more energised! The medicine really is like poison... i can't imagine watered down rat poison tasting any worse...but I can already feel a huge difference. I feel full of energy, am going to the toilet regularly (and it's only been 4 days), and genuinely feel overall more energised. He has given me a diet (groan) to eliminate the excessive yeast, which basically means no sugars or breads (found a fab soda bread whih is great toasted though) but i am also not to have any sweeteners, so basically, all sugar gone...but i'm trying to make small changes every day rather than trying to eliminate all the foods...i also have to come off the pill...hubby going for the snip!

I am actually drinking a cup of tea this morning with no sugar or sweetener!

Small steps but it may work, WW will have to wait for a few weeks until it all settles down....will report progress on weds!

Well, I'm on day 13 of drinking the poison and reducing yeast and sugars in my diet and I do feel sooo much better.

The poison is definitely helping curb the taste for sweet food, well, the fact I haven't had chocolate, and not had that as a conscious decision, in 13 days is a miracle in itself!

I may well be gaining weight though which is why I haven't gone to WW to get weighed yet, wanted to feel better before cutting back on the foods. I'm still making mistakes with some things and not realising there is added sugar or sweeteners, but this is probably only 2% of my diet now whereas before it was probably 95% or thereabouts.

I am pretty sure I've gained though as the fruit & nuts I'm eating of an evening are highly calorific, but then they get burned by the body differently so who knows...but it is TOTM looming and I had an entire pack of fruit & nuts last night which was 1100 calories! How mad is that! Anyway, at least I'm feeling human again, still exhausted due to my Daughters sleep problems, but time will have to sort that one out.

I have to say these may have been the two most peaceful weeks with my body I have ever had, and I put that solely down to not weighing myself.

I will go back to WW once I get the hang of this new way of eating, but for the near future I'm just concentrating on getting my body well, but hope it's okay to still post here until that day comes.

Here's to my first chocolate free watch, I bet I just jinxed myself :)