Aspartame vs sucrolose


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After having a read of the book, i noticed that the Dukan is pro diet fizzy drinks, and a lot of reference is made to aspartame.
I've recently ditched aspartame and im just wondering if any knows whether drinks with sucrolose are ok? I think they generally have 5kcals as opposed to 1kcal.
Apart from coke, I go for the sucralose ones too. A few weeks ago on the DD daily chat Sonja said sucralose was fine, she also mentioned xylitol, which surprised me, though I know it is low GI, and assume the adrenaline doesnt respond as not a sugar. She said keep to 8 shots max per day but didn't define a shot. So I've been a bit more careful, especially as rhubarb takes quite a bit.
One big diff between sucralose and aspartame is that A loses its, flavour when heated so S better for cooking.
Sucrlose - no question

I brought the book yesterday and started Dukaning today. I was taken aback by the advocacy of aspartame. There is growing medical evidence that the ingestion of aspartame has significant physical effects, and that the clinical studies leading to its approval by the FDA were highly flawed.

Secondly, this Aspartame is not stable when heated, and if memory serves me right it releases formaldehyde at temperatures of 80 degrees upwards.

back to the fish sticks!

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I use truvia (stevia based) for my tea, coffee, and gallettes. I use Splenda for muffins. I am not a huge fizzy drink consumer, but have one every 3-4 days as a treat since I have started Dukan. My interpretation of Dr. D is that artificial sweeteners are useful for those of us that have huge sweet cravings and that it is better to use an artificial sweetener and get a sweet treat and stay on the diet that to give in and have a real sugary snack. I did a quick search through the book (US version) and aspartame is only mentioned 9 times. Splenda is mentioned 11 times and is specified in the recipes.
I was taken aback by the advocacy of aspartame. There is growing medical evidence that the ingestion of aspartame has significant physical effects, and that the clinical studies leading to its approval by the FDA were highly flawed.

I suspect Dukan's response would be that the negative effects of obesity - physical and mental - outweigh the dangers of aspartame, and if sweeteners are needed to keep people on the cruise/weightloss portion of the diet - when there are so few sources of sweetness - they are justified.

You could say the same of the diet itself - attack/cruise is not sustainable in the long term, but is the right solution for the emergency situation of weight loss.
I suspect Dukan's response would be that the negative effects of obesity - physical and mental - outweigh the dangers of aspartame, and if sweeteners are needed to keep people on the cruise/weightloss portion of the diet - when there are so few sources of sweetness - they are justified.

You could say the same of the diet itself - attack/cruise is not sustainable in the long term, but is the right solution for the emergency situation of weight loss.

fair point. i tend to agree, but am steering away from fizzy drinks myself, as i was never a big drinker of them anyway. i think the benefits of staying on the diet and losing the weight is far more beneficial to your weight over all.

perhaps if people are worried about their intake, they could try to use the diet to wean them off it? say like how i am weaning myself off sugar, obviously if i dont get it, ill lose my taste for it eventually. as regards sweeteners, i have even limited them somewhat in tea/coffee so as to limit my reliance on that sugar sweetness in things that dont really require it.

of course, when it comes to baking.. its a free for all :) :)