Okay, so I love food. Straight to the point. And there has definitely been times in my life where I've loved food a little too much. Luckily, I was young, and my body type meant that I was able to lose the weight without too much effort. However, my body shape also means that I'll never be one of these really skinny, size 6 people. Not without looking rather ill at least. I wouldn't say I was necessarily a 'chubby' kid by any means... I was just 'normal'. In between skinny and 'chubby' if you like.
I've managed to remain that way for most of my life, fluctuating between a size 8-10 (What I think my natural dress size is) and a size 12, at my biggest. I'm talking dress sizes here because I try not to focus too much on what the scales say for obvious reasons, in relation to the causes of weight fluctuation. I do weigh myself occasionally of course (but not when I'm on my period!!) so I can keep track. But mainly I go with how clothes fit me, as I feel that is a much better indication of weight loss/gain.
Now I know a size 12 doesn't sound bad, in fact it's probably quite an average, healthy size. But I'm 5 ft 3, which means that even a healthy weight of 10 st, can make me look like I'm carrying a fair amount of weight. Even now, at 9 st 6, I still look like I could do with eating a few salads. To other people I probably look fine, but then they haven't seen me in my underwear
I carry most of my weight in my thighs, bum, hips and stomach. And although I probably don't need to lose any weight as such, the really bad cellulite says I could definitely do with some toning!! Plus, I'm going away in less than 3 months, and there's no way I would feel comfortable in a bikini in my current state! So that's my motivation; to feel good in a bikini. And I have 11 weeks to do it

I also really just want to improve my overall health and fitness, and to better my emotional health in the process. I also have a definite lack of confidence in myself, so feel this could help that too.
Now, I don't believe in diets. For me I feel like a diet is nothing more than a short term solution. It's not something I could realistically continue for the rest of my life. Which is what I'm aiming for. I want something that is a lifestyle change. Something that doesn't involve me having to count points or calories, or anything like that. Because I feel like that is what makes me feel like I'm being restricted. And that's how diets fail. At least for me anyway. I know some diets like Slimming World and Weight Watchers, allow you to have treats, but even they felt too restrictive and a lot of effort at times.
So I've pretty much made up my own diet. Which isn't a diet, because let's face it, I simply cannot stick to it. My approach is pretty much just healthy eating. Eating smaller portions (I use side plates instead of dinner plates, to trick my mind into thinking I'm eating more than I am) to train myself into only eating the amount of food I actually need. Also, only eating when I'm hungry and not because I feel like I SHOULD eat.
I also have quite a sweet tooth, so whenever I'm craving chocolate, I allow myself to have 2 squares of 75-85% dark chocolate. I actually love this 'trick', because not only does it satisfy my chocolate craving, but because dark chocolate is so rich, it's hard to eat more than 2 squares without forcing myself to eat them. Although I must admit, eating chocolate this dark, does take a little getting used to! If I'm just craving something sweet in general, day after dinner, I generally eat a few dates, as these have a VERY sweet, sticky and caramel-like flavour, that makes them delicious. Or Sometimes as a dessert, I'll slice a banana in half, top with cinnamon and honey, and then bake in the oven, and serve with some Greek yogurt. If I'm craving cake, then I'll make a healthy mug cake, with banana and almond flour, and maybe a couple of chocolate chips. Similarly If I'm craving cookies, banana, peanut butter and almond flour makes a good cookie pie. With chocolate chips in, obviously.
So I still allow myself to have everything that I love, just try to find healthier alternatives. Especially since there's no way I could never allow myself to have pizza! So generally, I eat a lot of healthy meals from scratch, making sure to get in a good amount of vegetables or greens (I love spinach and kale). I also try to limit the amount of pasta, bread and rice I eat, sticking to wholemeal/wholegrain varieties if I do. Instead, replacing these with vegetables and greens. For example, using courgette and aubergine slices instead of lasagne sheets.
On top of that, I also drink a lot of green tea to help boost my metabolism, as well as exercise. I can't currently afford a gym, otherwise I'd much prefer to do that. So instead, recently I've been doing a few short exercises, that only take 10-15 minutes of my day, and doing these most days of the week at least. I know that isn't a lot of exercise, but for a beginner, and making sure I have time to fit it into my day, and sticking to it, it's a good start.
So anyway, this diary is pretty much a way of me keeping track of my progress and what I doing. Also any recipes or cool food hacks I come across, being able to have them all in one place, without taking up memory on my phone Plus, I feel like having an online diary, which other can read, will help me to stay motivated.
If anyone does read this (and gets to the end) I salute you!
I've managed to remain that way for most of my life, fluctuating between a size 8-10 (What I think my natural dress size is) and a size 12, at my biggest. I'm talking dress sizes here because I try not to focus too much on what the scales say for obvious reasons, in relation to the causes of weight fluctuation. I do weigh myself occasionally of course (but not when I'm on my period!!) so I can keep track. But mainly I go with how clothes fit me, as I feel that is a much better indication of weight loss/gain.
Now I know a size 12 doesn't sound bad, in fact it's probably quite an average, healthy size. But I'm 5 ft 3, which means that even a healthy weight of 10 st, can make me look like I'm carrying a fair amount of weight. Even now, at 9 st 6, I still look like I could do with eating a few salads. To other people I probably look fine, but then they haven't seen me in my underwear
I carry most of my weight in my thighs, bum, hips and stomach. And although I probably don't need to lose any weight as such, the really bad cellulite says I could definitely do with some toning!! Plus, I'm going away in less than 3 months, and there's no way I would feel comfortable in a bikini in my current state! So that's my motivation; to feel good in a bikini. And I have 11 weeks to do it

I also really just want to improve my overall health and fitness, and to better my emotional health in the process. I also have a definite lack of confidence in myself, so feel this could help that too.
Now, I don't believe in diets. For me I feel like a diet is nothing more than a short term solution. It's not something I could realistically continue for the rest of my life. Which is what I'm aiming for. I want something that is a lifestyle change. Something that doesn't involve me having to count points or calories, or anything like that. Because I feel like that is what makes me feel like I'm being restricted. And that's how diets fail. At least for me anyway. I know some diets like Slimming World and Weight Watchers, allow you to have treats, but even they felt too restrictive and a lot of effort at times.
So I've pretty much made up my own diet. Which isn't a diet, because let's face it, I simply cannot stick to it. My approach is pretty much just healthy eating. Eating smaller portions (I use side plates instead of dinner plates, to trick my mind into thinking I'm eating more than I am) to train myself into only eating the amount of food I actually need. Also, only eating when I'm hungry and not because I feel like I SHOULD eat.
I also have quite a sweet tooth, so whenever I'm craving chocolate, I allow myself to have 2 squares of 75-85% dark chocolate. I actually love this 'trick', because not only does it satisfy my chocolate craving, but because dark chocolate is so rich, it's hard to eat more than 2 squares without forcing myself to eat them. Although I must admit, eating chocolate this dark, does take a little getting used to! If I'm just craving something sweet in general, day after dinner, I generally eat a few dates, as these have a VERY sweet, sticky and caramel-like flavour, that makes them delicious. Or Sometimes as a dessert, I'll slice a banana in half, top with cinnamon and honey, and then bake in the oven, and serve with some Greek yogurt. If I'm craving cake, then I'll make a healthy mug cake, with banana and almond flour, and maybe a couple of chocolate chips. Similarly If I'm craving cookies, banana, peanut butter and almond flour makes a good cookie pie. With chocolate chips in, obviously.
So I still allow myself to have everything that I love, just try to find healthier alternatives. Especially since there's no way I could never allow myself to have pizza! So generally, I eat a lot of healthy meals from scratch, making sure to get in a good amount of vegetables or greens (I love spinach and kale). I also try to limit the amount of pasta, bread and rice I eat, sticking to wholemeal/wholegrain varieties if I do. Instead, replacing these with vegetables and greens. For example, using courgette and aubergine slices instead of lasagne sheets.
On top of that, I also drink a lot of green tea to help boost my metabolism, as well as exercise. I can't currently afford a gym, otherwise I'd much prefer to do that. So instead, recently I've been doing a few short exercises, that only take 10-15 minutes of my day, and doing these most days of the week at least. I know that isn't a lot of exercise, but for a beginner, and making sure I have time to fit it into my day, and sticking to it, it's a good start.
So anyway, this diary is pretty much a way of me keeping track of my progress and what I doing. Also any recipes or cool food hacks I come across, being able to have them all in one place, without taking up memory on my phone Plus, I feel like having an online diary, which other can read, will help me to stay motivated.
If anyone does read this (and gets to the end) I salute you!