At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!

Well I felt so rubbish last night from stupid overindulgence I was in bed at 730! So have decided today to thrown in a kind of fast, an 800 calorie one meaning that will make yesterday's stupid calorie intake equal out. Am at work 9-1, am going to have fruit for breakfast sushi for lunch & a ready meal for tea, as I have it planned that will bring me in at 768. Food right now makes me feel ill so I'm sure I'll manage it

Hope you feel better from your low calorie day today x
I feel like I've been fighting something for about a week, I'm constantly cold & tired. Was asleep by 840 last night. Dan says he came up & I was snoring away with Netflix still on. Hoping that will have started to kick whatever it is away. Now breakfast......
I feel like I've been fighting something for about a week, I'm constantly cold & tired. Was asleep by 840 last night. Dan says he came up & I was snoring away with Netflix still on. Hoping that will have started to kick whatever it is away. Now breakfast......

I've woken up feeling a bit like that.. My sinus's feel like I have been hit in the face with a spade!!
Well yesterday was a 1900ish day so just in tdee. Today, hmmm let's not talk about today. The fact I've been making twix cheesecake at 830am was a bad start - too much spoon licking

Just for you Stacks here it is although I'm sure it will look better when sliced

Twix cheesecake? Mmm YUMS. I'd have just eaten all of it with a spoon never mind just licking the leftovers :)

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So I've taken my eye off the ball & with my second fast to go tomorrow I'm currently 2.75lb up on last official weigh in 2 weeks ago so I need to sort myself out before I see that 11 again. I know I'm not meant to weigh but hubby has gone away to work & I needed something to stop me comfort eating which is what would've happened. It won't now!
Yeah for the time being I am. I just need to get back down but I can't cope with it affecting my mood. I definitely felt more relaxed over lent & had a great loss but I need to get a handle on this
If it'll help you stay on track then deffo weigh daily. Just maybe try and bring a bit of relaxed lent attitude with you :)
I was 10:10:75 today after an up day so much better! I'm fasting tomorrow instead of today cos tomorrow I have a busier day ahead of me. Hoping for another controlled up day today will make it slightly lower anyways