Atkins and fat


New Member
Hi everyone,
Hope you can help!
I've recently started the Atkins diet after losing over a stone on Dukan and becoming used to not having large amounts of fat in my diet. My question about Atkins is how much fat are you supposed to be having?? I've never eaten a lot of fat and at the moment I'm finding it hard to eat a huge amount, how important is the amount of fat that you eat? Will not eating loads slow down weight loss? Does anyone follow this diet and not eat a lot of it and still lose weight??

Grace xx
i dont go out of my way to eat it, i just by the cheaper cuts of meat that tend to be fattier. or if im cooking something like "lean mince" then i cook it in butter. i also put butter on my veggies. and have a babybel cheese as a snack.
There's a good reason for having the fat - and I'm sure someone cleverer than me can explain it better - apparently your body can't convert fat into fat. It can, however, excess protein into fat, if you cut carbs but eat too much protein. Additionally, fat is very filling. That's why low-fat food is full of carbohydrates - because if fat is removed from a diet a lot of sugar is needed to replace the taste and satiation levels provided by fat. I can't stand fat on meat unfortunately so have to make a concerted effort to 'add' fat to my diet via cheese, cream and butter etc... but if I don't do so I am definitely hungry and craving on an excessively protein-heavy diet.
Just from my personal experience, the more fat I eat, the more weight I lose (I mean more fat as a proportion of my diet, not like I eat a day's worth of meals and then a tub of lard too :D).

I did try upping the protein to make me feel full and eat less. It worked, my calorie intake lowered, but weight loss slowed. I'm definitely better off eating high fat and more calories. Man, I love this diet! :character00180: