Atkins bars


Silver Member
Sorry if this has been asked before can we use the Atkins endulge bars daily instead if the s&s ones, only asking because you can get 45 bars from boots for only £36
I wouldn't suggest having them daily as I doubt they have the full range of nutrients required meaning you'd be deficient. They'd be ok as an occasional treat though.
I think it's only the Atkins advantage bars that are a meal replacement bar like the s&s ones. The advantage ones are bigger and higher in calories etc than the s&s ones too. I have had one occasionally in the last 3 months but its not something I would use every day :)
hope we can have them a bought a bunch of reduced ones in asda the other day ahahah
You need to check whether they're the meal replacement ones or not. Most are literally just a chocolate bar that's low carb so won't have any nutrients or be a good replacement.