aww poop


Grappling with life
Am 6 points over today. I blame Mr Cadburys, tempting me with his spot vs stripes (was delish :D) it was 4.5 pts so was already over before he came whispering in my ear!

Weigh In tomorrow :cry:

Millionaires shortbread cheesecake with my name all over it for my birthday tea next week, which thankfully is after weigh in so I can work it off!
ooo no how you feel! I went over by eating galaxy last night!!

Got WI thursday and feel rubbish as i gained last week too! so am bit worried! only been on WW less than 3 weeks and already getting it wrong!x
my meals are fine, its my snacks/sweet tooth that gets me everytime. I have fudges and curly wurlys in the cupboard but I saw this new choccie and had to have it!!!

And I love red sky crisps the cider vinegar ones......

I was hoping to lose 2 stone by Christmas weigh in but the way I am going.....

Ah well its done now, got my final cuppa then weigh in tomorrow, ave a clear week next week but lots of food related socialising the following week.

I did buy some sweetners and skimmed milk though so my head wasn't totally out of the game!