Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!


I've been away quite some time and piled on the pounds but am sheepinshly back and just wanted to add another massive well done to the pile.

You are so motivated and have succeeded enormously. You ought to be so proud and I am glad to see how much fun you seem to be having shopping! I'm sure there used to be a woman who only wore back somewhere around here??!
Good morning all

Im all :happy036: now, after yesterdays swimming pool disappointment I got up this morning to another overcast day :sigh: -Anyway I have decided not to give in easily -so I rang the pool and in my "best" German asked if they were opening today and they ARE - at 1pm -so I have rung hubby and he is going to pick me up and drop me off :D. Its still a bit manky looking here so it may be a wee bit :winter_brr: -but once Im in the water I won't know *well until it comes time to get out n walk home* :p

I think Im most happy that I have found my determined head again :D

So then Im having a red day today that looks like this:-
  • 1 apple
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
    [*]1tsp sugar

  • roast chicken
    [*]tickled beetroot

  • frozen raspberries
    [*]frozen cherries
    [*]cherry quark

  • pork steak
    [*]227g potato
    (B) -wedged in
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5)

  • activia (2.5)
  • 250ml semi (A)
SO that will be 2A+Bs and 4 syns covered - so I have some syns left "in case"

Dawny *don't know what you mean* :whistle: -anyone would think I go around leading people astray :D. Don't they have some great bargains though :bliss: -my mums house is like a sorting office at the moment with my stuff going there :p

Hiya Prawn -nice to see you back -Im sure you will get any lbs whipped back off again :vibes:
I did used to live in black and I still like it, but I have always loved deep jewel colours too -although now Im picking some seriously :eek: colours :giggle:
Hope you have a good week...

Right Im off cos its nearly swim time :D - no doubt I will be back later..
Have a lovely afternoon all... and wish me luck :D
Di ya miss me? did ya. did ya :p

Ok..... so hubby took me to the pool where I was the only one there :bliss: -ok so for the first 30mins I was swimming in the rain, but I don't mind being the crazy English woman swimming in the rain :D -so I got 80 lengths done -and got out as there was a HUGE black cloud heading my way .. anyhoo thats 80 lengths and a 40 minute trek back home to add to my exercise list :checkmark green:, and now its tipping it down :p

oooh dinner might change slightly tonight -we need to nip out so it might be jacket potato n cottage cheese salad instead... if so I will change my plan later...

Right -off to have 10 mins with a cuppa.....take care everyone!!!
Amzing work on the 11 stone!

Hope hubby is ok, Lymes disease can be really awful. A friends sister had it and it's a bit like gladular fever and really really hits you hard sometimes depending on which sort you have.

Soon be at that size 12 with the determination you have :)
Glad to hear you didn't let a wee bit of rain beat you :D

I hope hubbie's feeling okay - Lyme's disease is horrid, and it does rather seem to be one of those where the treatment also makes you feel revolting.
Goooooooooooooood afternoon all

So then, typically because I have no plans to swim today it ISN'T bl**dy raining :sigh: .... but Im planning on going tomorrow -although I will get a lift there n back as hubby is doing the honors before he goes to play golf late afternoon/early evening ;)
So then Im on RED today -and it looks like this:-

  • 1 apple
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
    [*]1tsp sugar
  • roast chicken
    [*]2tbs ELF mayo (1)
    [*]1tsp wholegrain mustard (0.5)
    [*]tickled beetroot
  • 1 apple
  • frozen cherries
    [*]frozen raspberries
    [*]cherry/nana quark
  • 227g Jacket potato (B)
    [*]cottage cheese
    *as above*
  • 250ml semi(A)
  • activia (2.5)
So I make that 2A+2B and 5syns covered... I don't think I will need anything else -but I have extra syns left just in case ;)

Im "thinking" that my *fruit restriction* is working as I feel lighter :p -although its still * week so anything could happen before weigh in on Sunday -but we live in hope :cross:

Thanks EmmyLou - hubby seems ok -its the meds that are making him feel icky -but its better than the alternative I guess -only another 8 days for him to take -em... if nowt else its stopped him drinking for now and that'll help the weight loss :sign0151:
It'll be a fair while before I can wedge my ass into a 12 -but I WILL get there - eventually ;)

Woohoo Wenchie.... ya should have seen me
:giggle: -I wasn't going to let a little thing like rain, wind and storm clouds stop me :silly: -hopefully tomorrow I can push onto the 100 lengths I want to get to (as long as there are no black clouds) as hubby is willing to pick me up It shouldn't be a problem ;)
How are things with you my lovely???

Right Im off for a catch up..have a great afternoon all!!
Hi Capricorn, glad you're getting the swimming in even if you're the 'mad English woman' swimming in the rain :D.
I am feeling very sore today, yesterday I washed 40+ weights which ranged from 1.1kg to 10lb for sons weight bench [they'd been left outside] so my shoulders ache and so do my legs [from bending to pick them up]. My legs also hurt from being knocked over by the dog this morning, I moved to one side so path was clear and stupid mutt ran full pelt the wrong side and took out my legs :character00264: he did come back to see if I was ok though :chores016:. Have got stiffer as the days gone on so if he thinks hes going for another walk with me later hes got another think coming :argh:.
I did it, I did it, I did it did it did it :D
100 lengths done n dusted :banana dancer: and there were never more than 3 of us in the pool ;), since then I have come home and got straight in a hot bath with my magazines *ahh bliss* - so now Im catching up on here before I get my dinner (tis cooking as I type) mmmmmmmmmmm
Hubby dropped me off for my swim and picked me up when I was done and has gone for a game of golf so won't be back until at least 7pm -so Im going to simply veg out ahhhhhhhhh

I have to say that I think the swimming is having an impact on the bottom of my jelly belly already :cross: -I would have thought it was in my imagination if hubby hadn't said something earlier - so surely if we both thought it we can't both be wrong!!!! -*not that I am ever wrong of course*:giggle:
I will be most impressed if the swimming can really help me with my ole fatta podge jelly belly as THAT it my main trouble spot and as we know its a b*gger to exercise off :mad:

Anyhoo here is my not to shabby red meal plan for today :-
  • melon
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
    [*]1tsp sugar
  • Salmon fillet
    [*]tickled beetroot
    [*]tickled onions
  • frozen cherries
    [*]frozen raspberries
    [*]cherry/nana quark
  • sliced roast beef
    [*]198g boiled potatoes
  • cheesy leeks :-
  • leeks
    [*]120g quark
    [*]1 egg
    [*]1/2tsp mustard powder
    [*]28g cheddar
  • activia (2.5)
  • few grapes
so that not so little lot comes to 2A+Bs and 3.5syns -and I may use some more syns later if I want more milk ;)
Im rather happy with my dindins as the sliced Topside beef was reduced to 50c per 4 slices :D -so I have 10 packs in the freezer, the leeks were whoopsed to 50c per 500g pack so I have used 1 and the other is in the fridge, then my grapes were whoopsed to 40c for 500g and I got 2 500g pots of lovely mushrooms for 28c each too :clap: -ooh I do like a bargain ....

Right thats me for now, Im off to check on my dinner.. have a lovely evening all!!!
Sorry TakeItEazy... forgot to answer you :copon:

A OWWWWWWW -sounds like you are gonna be hobbling along for a few days -what with the dawg and all that weight lifting :eek:. I thought I had miss read when you said you had washed weights :p -make him wash his own bloomin weights next time ;)

Hope you aren't in to much pain... stay on the sofa and demand waiter service ;)
Hubby said same the [make him wash own weights] but he was washing the bench and all the bits that go with it so thought I'd help him out. Think I got the short straw :confused:
Am much better today but kept an eye on the dog while out and made sure he was in front of me most of the time. Had a go with sons dumbels :character00115: as well, he did 10 reps with each arm, I could only manage 1 rep with right arm and 2 with left. Either he is strong or I'm weedy [that'll be me weedy then] :D will have another go but with less weights tomorrow.
You are an exercise MACHINE Mrs. :D - good to know that about swimming targetting the parts other exercise doesn't really reach (and logical, actually). I shall have to investigate the local pools (I think the one a bit further away is easier to get to by bus and also has better lanes and things) when I'm a little bit littler and my excema's clear. Hurrah!

I'm good thank you - after all the stupidity with decalibrated scales and things at my class we've now got spanking new ones and I'm back watching the numbers go down again :D and I'm just trying to enjoy the last of the seasonal berries and cherries whilst they're cheap (must find something more exciting to do with apples for when they're about all that's good)!
Good Morning all

Tis another slightly overcast n drizzly day here *thrrrrp* -although it does reduce the number of people [STRIKE]daft[/STRIKE] dedicated enough to swim :bliss: (every cloud n all that ;)).... sooooooooooo as long as it doesn't start lightening, later I intend getting my backside back in the pool.
We asked yesterday if they did a monthly ticket -but it seems they only do a season one -then I forgot to ask when the season ends :sigh: -so I will as today as I think a family ticket is €60 -so even if there is only 6 weeks left it only works out to 2.5 sessions a week to make the money (its €4 a session) -plus hubby is planning on putting a couple of weeks in for September -and he wants to swim too. ooh and the bonus is that hubby won some pennies yesterday so has given me €50 for it :D

Anyhoo today is a good ole red day and should look like this :-
  • 250ml semi (A)
    [*]2 toasted nimble (B)
    [*]2 scrambled eggs
    [*]1tbs ketchup

  • melon - not much before I swim but the chucky eggs keep me full ;)

  • frozen cherries
    [*]frozen raspberries
    [*]cherry n nana quark

  • 227g jacket potato (B)
    [*]cottage cheese
    [*]tickled beetroot
    [*]tickled onions
  • activia (2.5)
  • 250ml semi (A)
So I make that 2A+Bs and 3.5 syns covered so far...

Can I also say PLEASE ban me from looking on the Matalan sales :eek: -I swear I might be able to set up shop at this rate :eek: ..Im sure the novelty will wear off :copon:

TakeItEazy ... Im not very strong either, Im hoping the swimming will deal with and arm wobble :cross:. When I used to swim years ago I mainly did backstroke -well now I do about 80% crawl as I reckon it uses more cals -although I do some backstroke and a teeny bit of breast stroke in an attempt to use all the muscles (although I HATE breast stroke) Bless the dog :p -I used to have an ex racing greyhound and he would lag behind and then you would hear the thunder as he came belting along -it was a case of stand still, hold your breath and pray he missed you :p -although he was a sod for not wanting to get dirty :confused: - if you were walking side by side and there was a puddle he would lean into you and try and push so he got the dry bit and you went through the puddle :rotflmao:.
Hope everything has stopped aching by now and god luck with the weights.

Woohoo Wenchie - I will be thrilled if the swimming can work off the fatta podge -well, some of it -NOTHING is THAT good, to shift it all ;). Gawd knows what Im going to be like when we are back in the UK and I have to use indoor pools :cry: -hmmmm guess we need to win the lottery so I can have my own outdoor pool:p.
Great that they have finally got the scales sorted..bout time too, luckily you are focused enough to not have got thrown of track by it -but I bet everyone can't say the same.
I love soft fruit -but as we have established -I can't be trusted :eek: -although I do love my frozen cherries n raspberries so Im not missing out :D.
Hope you have a good weekend...

Well we need to pick up a few bits of fruit, milk etc later -so If I swim I might get hubby to take me shopping on the way -at least that way I don't look like a drowned rat ;)
Right I had better get off and do some quick catching up.. have a lovely afternoon all!!!!!
Evening Capricorn x

Well I'm certainly not going to ban you from the Matalan sales hun...not when I got a great big parcel from them yesterday lol!!!

Oh the stuff is just gorgeous! I got some trousers, a gypsy top, and 3 dresses...all rather short which I wasn't expecting so I'm going to have to be very brave wearing them :eek:

Now I'm trying to resist the urge to go on the website again in case I missed something...:rolleyes:
Evening Capricorn x

Well I'm certainly not going to ban you from the Matalan sales hun...not when I got a great big parcel from them yesterday lol!!!

Oh the stuff is just gorgeous! I got some trousers, a gypsy top, and 3 dresses...all rather short which I wasn't expecting so I'm going to have to be very brave wearing them :eek:

Now I'm trying to resist the urge to go on the website again in case I missed something...:rolleyes:
Just off to bed my lovely but just thought I had better confess to having placed 2 orders today *oopsy* :p

Do you reckon there will be several of us miniminers wearing the same stuff soon :p
Sleep well all -see you in the morning..

lol...could be a bit embarrassing if we ever had a minis get together!

Actually, at wi this week, the lady who takes the money was wearing one of the matalan tops like mine lol!
Good Morning lovelies

Dawny -we will all have to start a secret club -we will be able to recognise each other by our matching matalan outfits :p.
Im begining to think that I need to set up a feature on my PC that issues an electric shock if I try and get on the Matalan site :giggle:.... we won't go into this mornings small indiscretion :hide:

SO then folks despite 2 visits to the pool yesterday -they didn't open :cry: -although with the weather Im not that suprised ...torrential rain, thunder and seriously windy -but I felt better for trying if that makes sense. I really missed it though :cry: -hubby has said he will nip me tomorrow for my fix :D -he is at a golf competition today and typically its NOT raining today :p ...I have decided that if the season lasts until at least the end of September then Im going to pay for the season ticket and then I plan on trying to get there Mon-Fri :cross: -what with that and getting back to badminton in a week when hubby is given the OK -I should start to ge some serious toning up done :vibes:

So then Im on another red day that should look like this:-
  • 1 apple
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
    [*]1tsp sugar

  • cheesy leeks:-
  • leeks
    [*]100g quark
    [*]1 egg
    [*]mustard powder
    [*]28g cheddar (A)
    [*]227g jacket
  • frozen raspberries
    [*]frozen cherries
    [*]peach quark
  • 56g low fat feta (6)
    [*]tickled beetroot
    [*]tickled onions
  • activia (2.5)
SO thats 2A+Bs and 9.5 syns -now I have just spotted that my red day has no meat BUT Im leaving it red as if I get hungry I have protein to grab ;)
I don't have much planned for today again -so I will get off and do some catching up ..
Have a lovely afternoon all and keep up the great work"!!!!
Hello again Capricorn - glad to see you're enjoying the swimming so much. It's something I hope to do when I've a lost some more weight. And by the way, I had to go & see what this Gardens of Time thing was & now I'm hooked!!! Still better than nibbling. Good luck for your next weigh in - can't wait to see how you get on. xx
Hello again Capricorn - glad to see you're enjoying the swimming so much. It's something I hope to do when I've a lost some more weight. And by the way, I had to go & see what this Gardens of Time thing was & now I'm hooked!!! Still better than nibbling. Good luck for your next weigh in - can't wait to see how you get on. xx

Thanks ThisTime :D.... I had forgotten just how much I love to swim too -although I think it being outside makes all the difference, plus Im catching the sun :p

oooh isn't Garden in time addictive... get to 50 posts on here and then I can PM you my name for facebook and we can be neighbours :D -
Hope you are having a nice weekend...

ooh and to anyone else who wants to be lovely and be my neighbour I would be VERY grateful :D I NEED more neighbors pleasssssse -you don't have to play the game :D
Morning all from a VERY VERY rainy here :sigh: -tis persistantly persisting it down chance of yours truely finding the pool open later are very remote :cry:

Anyhoo -in better news 2lbs off for me this week :happy036: and for hubby too :clap: (amazing what having to go beer free all week can do ehh!!! ;))
So we are happy bunnies.. Im creeping ever closer to where I want to be - SLIM :vibes:.

Im on a red day again today and cor does lunch smell yum yum yummy :drool:, Im doing lamb hotpot in the remoska nommy -it seems rather suitable when you consider the bleepin weather ;)
so then today should look like this:-
  • 2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
    [*]1tsp sugar
lamb hotpot:-
  • lamb leg steak
    [*]lamb stock
    [*]227g jacket potato (B) sliced
  • frozen raspberries
    [*]frozen strawberries
    [*]peach quark
Now thats 1A+2Bs and 1 syn covered
I haven't put down a dinner as it will depend what time we have lunch as to what I need to eat later ;) -although I have just got a huge chicken whoopsed to €2 which Im shoving in the remoska once the hot pot is out -so I may have that n salad ;). Once I have stripped the chicken Im going to make some stock out of it and use the 60c butternut squash bargain to make myself some soup :bliss:.
I have also just got some asparagus and sugar snaps whoopsed to 25 c each -I have 2 of each so I guess Im doing a stir-fry tomorrow and the day after :p
Right thats me for now.... have a lovely day everyone and keep up the great work!!!
and don't forget I NEED NEIGHBOURS :p
Hi Capricorn,

Congratulations on the 2lbs loss, another fabulous results for you :bliss:

I wish I could pick up some bargains in the supermarket- you always seem to get some brilliant reductions- It makes me mad in tesco that they reduce things by about 20p, so people still don't by them and then they no doubt get thrown away. We are such a wasteful nation- why don't they just reduce it right down and then people would buy it!! *Rant over*!

Food just seems so to be going up and up over here!

We are having orange chicken tonight, a recipe I found on the good food website, you stew the chicken in orange juice and balsamic - sounds interesting so I will give it a stab!

Anyway I shall stop rambling on your diary and get some work done. I have cleaned the oven this morning, time to mop the floors next! No rest for the wicked and then coursework to do too! boo!

Have a lovely day xx