Baby steps


Silver Member
Ok. I know. Ive been dropping in here now and again.... Making commitments...promises...and failing time and again. I always intend to "Just do it". I WANT to. I MEAN to. It all seems obvious. I will be healthier and significantly happier if i lose 7 or 8 stone and following the exante plan will cause the weight loss i need. But then the reasons i put on the weight keep rising up and sabotaging my efforts. When it comes to eating I literally am my own worst enemy. Then i feel shame and guilt. I dont want to post here cos i feel stupid. How come everyone else can do it and i cant. Am i so feckless? I wind up feeling pretty worthless....

So i think ive realised something important. I am a food addict. A real proper addict. I use food to medicate myself. To control my emotions. I need the high feeling full gives me.. Not just full but stomach stretching full. So. I am an addict.

I checked out some advice for alcoholics and found it applies to me. Hiding food. Lying etcetc. Been there.

So they said there are three elements to recovery. I have to deal with the physical (hunger and cravings) psychological (stress/depression etc) and behavioural (habits) reasons for eating. Clearly i have needs and i have to meet those needs in some way other than food.

Its worked on day 1. I managed to stick to the plan today but it was tough. Wish me luck.

Good luck,
I know what you mean, I am exactley the same I have been stopping and starting for months always "i'll start proparly tomorrow" then before I know it it is 6 months later and I am 2 stone heavier! Day one for me today too, it is bloody hard but judging by the inspiration pics the end results will be worth it. x
Hi Niknok

Hi there. Day 2. Delighted to have made it this far!!!!! Thanks for support. Hope we can be buddies on this journey, having started on same day and all!

Feeling easier physically today but lots of work stress testing my resolve not to seek comfort in food. ..... I only have to make it to 2 o'clock. Thats as far into the future i can cope with right now. Gees.

Anyhow. Had banana shake this morning. Tastes way better if sucked through a straw.... Funny that.

Day three

To be honest i am surprised ive made it this far. So this means i really should give this a go. Its been pretty easy so far. The hunger pangs are just starting but my ketostick turned pink this morning so maybe i am going into ketosis. Fingers crossed.

Youre doing really well! Keep at it! I am on day one, I had my soup about an hour ago, have glugged 1 1/2 litres of water and feel hungry, but I know its just emotional and Im probably bored! You are nearly half way through your first week already! Stay focused :) x
Keep going and not be surprised at yourself. You can do it!!
Good luck you can do it! I always thought I'd fail, but I'm on my third week now and lost 12lbs already. Been 100% on the diet too. The first few days are hard but if your finding the evenings difficult go to bed early or have a bath, I used to be asleep by 9pm in the early days.
Youre doing really well! Keep at it! I am on day one, I had my soup about an hour ago, have glugged 1 1/2 litres of water and feel hungry, but I know its just emotional and Im probably bored! You are nearly half way through your first week already! Stay focused :) x

That is such an outrageous thought - I am nearly half way through week one. V Motivating. Thank You. I'm finding the water really really helps. Lots of it.
Good luck you can do it! I always thought I'd fail, but I'm on my third week now and lost 12lbs already. Been 100% on the diet too. The first few days are hard but if your finding the evenings difficult go to bed early or have a bath, I used to be asleep by 9pm in the early days.

12ibs loss is great. If Exante can help me to lose 12lbs in three weeks I will be well happy.

Thanks for Support

I got through Day 3. Again I am surprised this is really bearable so far. I know worse is coming. But so far so good. The tomato and Basil soup was DELICIOUS. I am off to bed...

Belle (wish I felt belle ... or was any way belle but lately the flab has contorted my face so that I always look tired and my head looks a little like a football - that one out of the movie with Tom Hanks....)
So its day 4. Ok so far. Did twenty lengths of the pool this morning. Hubby minded kids in baby pool. Was lovely. All sore now. Feel less bloated and have lots of energy but wondering if i really meant to start this at all. What have i let myself in for. How long is this level of caution re food going to be required. So a bit anxious and stressed.

Not at all hungry though. Exante really works to cut out hunger. So yay.

Have to take trip down country today and family will be eating out. Poop. Will be a test.

I just jave to get through to two oclock today. Thats all i have to think about right now and i can do that.

Wow arn't you doing brilliantly, well done you. Hope you have a good day :)

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I got through the day. The hubby and eldest had mcds and I handed it out and everything and never had a morsel. I had a tesco rasp bar which I have to admit was delicious. And filling.

I am home now and I feel the danger is over but I am usually a late night eater so I am going to take myself off to bed now savouring the taste of my yummy veg soup. Now I just have to work out how to get my boys to sleep (the first step being how to get them to stay in bed!!).

Day 5. Wow. Im on day 5 already. That was doable. Still ok but not drinking enough water today. Ill sort that out right now.

Hi Belle! You're doing brilliantly! You sound v determined and motivated :)
I'm on day 3 and agree with you, i think this is doable!!
I too am a late night eater (so is OH) and although I've promised myself early nights I haven't had one yet but can feel a bar in bed coming on!
Have a good day x
Hi I found with the water to make a plan one pint with breakfast, one at 11am, one with lunch, one at three, one with dinner and one between dinner and bedtime. I like you was struggling with the water, but someone posted on here "the more you drink the more you shrink"

Works for me
Hope you having a great day


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Hi Belle! You're doing brilliantly! You sound v determined and motivated :)
I'm on day 3 and agree with you, i think this is doable!!
I too am a late night eater (so is OH) and although I've promised myself early nights I haven't had one yet but can feel a bar in bed coming on!
Have a good day x

Hi Sarahlou. I SOUND motivated but there is a big weakness in me i am trying to work around. If i feel sad or happy or somehing goes wrong i could just find myself eating junk again and feeling like i deserve it. I have to be hyper vigilent against my own impulses. Early night and baby steps seems to be working so far but i know anything can happen..

someone posted on here "the more you drink the more you shrink"

Hi Gil. How about "the more you drink the less you stink!". My breah is really bad this morning. HOPING water cures THAT!!

Hello Bellerine - love your OP, it will certainly help you to recognise your food addiction and I'm sure you'll find ways to deal with the emotional cravings.

Well done for getting through it this far and in just a couple of days you'll be posting your first weeks wl. With week one under your belt you'll have settled into a routine and the rest will be history.

Being able to sit and watch the family eat a Maccy D's is a triumph and shows you have both willpower and determination. You go girl :)