back for stage 2

Hi Goose, I had it in my mind that if I gained half a stone then so be it, it was like my "allowed" gain in my mind, I was off LT for 2 weeks and actually away camping for 9 days, I did a refeed for 5 days prior to going, which I know isnt the right amount, but due to timing thats how I chose to do it, one thing I will say is that you do lose weight during refeed ( well most do) and from last chemist WI til when I went back to restart I didnt weigh myself at home, so I am thinking that I MAY have lost a bit THEN put that on in the 9 days if that makes sense?
I also shoved as much exercise into both the refeed days and my 9 days away ( as said was camping and our dog came so we walked the Dorset cliffs every morning)
Whilst away I was not going to deprive myself, did have bacon etc some mornings, but listened to my body and only ate what I needed to feel sort of full, you will be very surprised at how little this is, and then either gave the other half to my dog or binned it. We went out to lunch every day, but instead of "its 1pm, lunchtime" my hubs was happy to wait until I felt hungry enough to eat again after brekkie, which most days wasnt until around 4pm or 5pm, so we went for late lunches, we are big seafood fans and it was heaven to sit down each day to some sort of seafood salad, I felt no need to have chips or greasy food etc, not because I was denying myself, just the smell was putting me off, once again with lunch I ate until I was full, not til I was so stuffed I could burst, some days I just ordered a starter, and totally enjoyed every mouthful. And eating lunch so late made me feel no need to have an evening meal, which when camping is BBQ or cheese n biscuits laid out with friends, think one BBQ night I may have had a chicken satay, but most of the time didnt feel the need to eat anything. I did how ever drink every night, its part of our trip, the socialising with our friends, there was 23 of us camping together and we do quizes, fire pits, wine tasting etc, I am a wine drinker so really enjoyed a few glasses and on a couple of evenings probably a few TOO MANY glasses lol.
All in all I totally enjoyed myself, but also learnt to listen to what I needed and not eat for the sake of it or because the clock tells me its time to eat, oh and i did have a cream tea one day, could only manage one scone and counted it as my lunch as just couldnt eat anything else, where as before this diet i would have had lunch at 1pmish THEN tried to fit a cream tea in somewhere before our evening meal lol, I also think I may have been just lucky not to have gained, but I am hoping I can hold onto the way I feel about food once off LT, I love food, and especially good food, and every mouth full was a delight, but was really nice not to feel as if i had to have an afternoon nap to cope with my stuffed full belly.
There are people on here that will give you much better advice than i have put above, and probably the CORRECT advice, no carbs, no drink etc, I did have carbs, but not a lot, but nice carbs, like savouring a nice piece of chunky grannary bread with my salad and leaving the potatoes that came with it, I would rather have the bread than potatoes myself.
I needed a break and had one, and now I am looking forward to my next one in two weeks, I am only away for 5 days of that two weeks but also have my youngests birthday party in there somewhere, so I will refeed for as long as I can then attempt to do the same as I did before, this may not work so well next time as we going to Venice as a suprise for my eldests 18th so it will be pizza and pasta i expect, but once again I will resign myself to a bit of a gain, then back on it on the monday I get back, I also think thats another important point, the FORCING yourself to go back right away, face what ever has happened and getting back onto it, really good luck, and really enjoy your time away, after that amount of time you will deserve a break, and trust me you will really enjoy it , hope this has helped a bit xx
Bev thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to and be so thorough :) i like your idea of only having lunch wen ure hungry and my friend knows im on lipotrim so shed be really supportive.

I guess its just about not stuffing your face and listening to your body. Your refeed info abt losing weight and possibly putting that bak on hence sts makes sense!!

And yes i will have to be really strong and force myself to go bak on!

Thanks again n will keep you updates x
Yes Goose, please let me know how you get on x
Hi Bev!
Just an update on the weekend - I didn't do a refeed as I decided to stay 100% The reason I did this was when was planning on doign the refeed were the few days where I was really really struggling with lipotrim, I was going through such a hard time with it that I knew if I did refeed, I would have just gone crazy with food after and lord knows where I'd be now! I had a long chat with my cousin and she was 100% supportive of me sticking to lipotrim, we went out to eat every night (!!) I didnt want to ruin it for her, and I ordered a black tea and usually sneakily ate my flapojack. I cooked her a full breakfast every morning as well!! she said she found it hard eating on her own but like I said she is amazing and supported me so didn't feel awkward or feel the need to explain myself. I am so proud of myself, we came back after going out on Saturday nigth and my hubby was home with his mates, anyways we said hello and we went into the other lounge, my hubby texted me while he was in the front lounge and said "you look well fit" !!!! It was sooooooooo the motivation I needed, It meant alot as my hubby NEVER compliements me, and if he does its usually cos I force him to, so him saying it of his own back made me feel great, I just feel like sometimes if you are on a roll its better to keep going. Last week was awful for me, I cried every night 3 nights in a row, but stuck to it and I got my mojo back!! Feel re motivated and ready to lose the rest of my weight :) :) :)
Wow, well done Goose! That's fantastic dedication and will be so worth it in the end. Great that you have such support too, it really helps. X

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