Back form joining SW and totally confused

It is odd that a consultant would be so dismissive of the red and green plans as they are both in the book, so SW must be happy for people to be following them.
Your consultant sounds a bit uninformed. They better not get rid of red and green or I'm off to another plan. TBH, I get that extra easy is SW shiny new plan that they're proud of, and for families it must make life easier. But I'm sick o death of having EE thrust at me all the time, as if I'm bad for not doing it. One consultant told me as a veggie I should still do extra easy. Huh? I get to eat less food, whoopdeedoo. Some of my meat loving friends have found green/red days useful when they can't eat 1/3 superfree, or if they want more HE, such as the nuts you can have as a green HEB. Also, our bodies are all different and people lose weight better on differing plans. My mate has no large intestine, so lots of veg or carbs makes her ill. So she sticks to red. If she had to do EE she wouldn't be able to do it.

Sorry, rant over! I just find it annoying when SW/consultants try to push people unnecessarily